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I never knew my real parents and for the first three years of my life Elina and Kason were all I knew. But Kason had taught me about how Elina was corrupt. She was insane.

He told me to never trust Dream, NotFound, or SapNap. But that meant losing three of my closest friends. I knew now that Dream was Clay and, just using common sense, the other two had to be George and Nick.

I wanted to trust them. To think that they were still the two lovers and their third wheel. I wanted to trust them like I did when we were young.

But that was then. They aren't innocent anymore. They've grown up being taught to torture, to do Elina's terrible bidding. Been gaslighted into thinking what they were doing was right.

I still remembered the things that happened here before because Kason would bring them up at home sometimes. I still had the memories of playing like a child would.

I remember running up and down the halls with Clay. I remember sliding down Skeppy's crystal slide as many times as a three- year- old would enjoy. Or when I would test how many times I could trip one of the others with shadows until they noticed.

Playing Hide-N'-Seek with George and his special goggles. Nick seeing how far he could make us move with his weak mind control. Clay's fake mazes throughout the halls. The mental conversations with Bad in the early hours of the morning.

I remembered the small innocent play fights once we had learned to use small weapons in secret, and how Bad would exhaust himself healing us.

When we were still so young and innocent, the only thoughts of ruling the world having been fun childhood dreams we had.

But Bad and Skeppy didn't remember any of this, it seemed. They had been raised like normal children, their powers wearing out from not being used. Never being reminded or taught more of their powers. Never told about what happened here.

Clearly they had been friends for years now, and had re- found their abilities at some point in the past 10 years.

I was knocked out of my memories and thoughts when the toe of a boot was shoved into my side and I was pulled up by my wrists.

As I was dragged away from the others, I saw Dream standing in the hallway outside this... torture chamber. The evil-looking smile mask showed no emotion, but I thought that I saw a glint of something in one of the eyes.

Dream was the one that broke the stare, moving his head to face the ground. This surprised me; I never thought of him as one to break a threatening stare.

"Clay..." I whispered under my breath as I was pushed past him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dream POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I heard Vincent whisper my name as he passed by me, and it froze me.

The gaze he had given me was full of pleading and emotional pain. But our paths were meant to cross, and his was meant to taper away. I was built to be the end of him.

The pleading eyes were supposed to mean nothing to me, but they meant everything to me.

I was taught to show no compassion for years, told it would be my downfall. And I listened. But look at where it got me.

Torturing my friends was considered right to my mother, so it was right to me. But every time I did it there was some morally straight part of me that knew hurting people for entertainment was wrong.

I've been told so many times that it was normal, that doing it would be beneficial to me.

But I've also been told that I could be using my powers for better things.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f l a s h b a c k~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(he's 11)

I went out the hidden doors of Mother's lab and started on my way to school. The allies were empty in this side of town, which was perfect for me, as I wanted to be isolated.

"Clay!" I heard from behind me.

I turned to see Mathias running down the alley to me and he pulled me into a hug before standing in front of me.

The smile on his face fell as he looked at the ground as if he wanted to tell me something.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Dream," he said softly.

My face went into one of large surprise as I stared at him.

"How did you..." I started asking before falling silent.

"Why did you hurt Alie?" he asked, looking up at me with wide eyes. "Yeah, she bullied you, but she didn't deserve to be cut and burnt alive."

"You weren't supposed to...-"

"Weren't supposed to see that?" Mathias cut me off. "You weren't ever planning to tell me you had abilities and used them to torture people who do you wrong?

"Why don't you use them to actually help people?"

My face turned into one of anger and I looked down at the ground.

He'll be a danger to me and my family, I thought. Might as well get rid of him before he can do anything unwanted.

I grabbed his neck and hit his head against the wall of the ally, knocking him out before he could react. I picked him up in my arms and made my way back home.

He was gone by the next day.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Present Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I shook the memory out of my head. Mathias was gone now. Nothing to do about him.

895 words

Yep Dream's a murderer :] Mathias was only created for this chapter and is never brought up again, lol

Hope you liked this one!

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