Ruined City

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The police came soon after hearing about A6d. They were going to take his bandana off, but Skeppy stopped them, assuming that was his special item that made him who he was. He would be in danger from Dream and them if the world knew who they were.

They did all they could to help A6d while his suit was on, cutting a hole in the back after being promised by Skeppy that it would be fine the next time it was needed.

It dumbfounded the doctors that A6d was naturally gray in skin color, but Skeppy knew it was all part of the look to protect A6d's identity.

They took him into the hospital and did surgery immediately. The dagger hadn't hit any vital organs, too small to have gone all the way through his chest, but A6d was losing blood dangerously fast.

They gave him stitches and blood, keeping the green blade for testing. Skeppy was allowed in afterwards, having been waiting awake during the night for his partner.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Skeppy POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(I don't know how hospitals care for back wounds, so bare with me)

I walked into his hospital room and saw him sleeping on his stomach, his face slightly lifted and turned so he could breath. I sat on a chair inside and looked at the sutured wound on his back, his suit cut and torn.

It was red and puffy, though no blood was leaking through the stitches. It was bad, and I felt like it was my fault he was hurt, but I knew he wouldn't agree with that.

I was waiting for over an hour when A6d spoke up.

"Hey Skeppy," he said, startling me because I hadn't known he was awake.

"Hey. How are you doing?" I asked softly.

"It hurt," he answered. "A lot."

I smiled but it quickly went away as I imagined how much pain he must be in. Getting stabbed in the back is never fun whether the context is metaphorically or literally.

I went outside the room and waved down a doctor, telling them that A6d was awake now. They thanked me before walking away.

"You're gonna have a few visitors," I joked, leaning on the doorframe.

"What do you mean?" he questioned.

"Told the doctors you were awake," I said before some nurses came in to look at the wound and question A6d.

I was escorted out of the room and waited while they bandaged his wound, making it more flexible and less likely to bleed if he moved.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A6d POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The doctors numbed the wound area as much as they could so I essentially couldn't feel anything while they changed the bandages and stitches.

Even though it was numbed, I still felt the sharp stabs of pain deep in my chest whenever they poked or pulled at the sutures. If I were normal, I might be crying some. But I'd learned not to cry.

Before I knew it, there were now stitches and bandages on the stab wound. They left the room to let me rest and allowed Skeppy back in.

"How are you doing now?" he asked.

"Bored," I said. "I want to sit up and eat."

"That's a mood," he chuckled. "But I'll see what I can do," and leaving the room again.

He came back a few minutes later with a nurse.

"Are you sure you want to move? We'll have to take extra measures and it'll hurt," the nurse checked.

"I can barely even feel my back at all and yes, I'm sure," I confirmed.

He checked the bandages were secure before assisting me in turning to sit up. Once again, I could barely feel it but the pain was still there in the insides and core of my mid-back.

"How long will I be stuck here?" I asked once I was sitting up.

"I honestly don't know. At best, two weeks. Except because of how deep it is, you'll have to stay away from any heroics and you'd have to come back on a weekly to daily basis for check-ups for maybe a month," the nurse responded. "So no being Orlando's hero any time soon."

Skeppy won't be able to take on Dream, NotFound, and SapNap all at once, I thought with a sigh. If only I could get back out there sooner...

"Would you like to turn on the news?" the nurse asked, gesturing to the screen next to the door frame.

"Yes please," I breathed, leaning my head back onto my bed.

The nurse pressed the controller and a channel called News 13 came on, showing what had happened to the city.

It was in ruins.

Smoke was pluming from multiple buildings and there were fires on the street. People were screaming and the camera zoomed in, showing the three villains jumping from roof to roof, setting bombs before running away.

I saw Skeppy lean forward in his seat, his chin in his hands, his eyes wide with some emotion I couldn't place. Maybe multiple.

"I have to help," Skeppy stated, standing up.

"Skeppy, no. It's too dangerous to try and defeat all three of them alone with just your crystals and sword," I told him, making a 'stop' motion with my hand.

"Well you're in no position to fight and if I don't do anything, the whole city will burn to the ground!" Skeppy defended. "Can't you just 'dalalada' or something to heal yourself?" he asked, twiddling his fingers at me.

"That's not how my power works Skeppy, and neither does yours," I said, glaring at him.

"I'm going to stop them," Skeppy said, heading for the door.

"Skeppy!" I shouted, getting him to turn back and face me.

"Me and you are the only two superheroes in this town and I am in no position to fight, meaning you would be alone. And you would get destroyed by them, which would leave Orlando and possibly the rest of America defenseless against the Dream Team.

So think about what you're doing before you make the situation worse."

"I have thought about it, and I know that I would rather die trying than know the world was in danger because I didn't do anything," Skeppy stated defiantly.

I used the shadows in the door and locked it, solidifying the ones I could to prevent Skeppy from getting out.

He glared at me before throwing shards at the window and jumping out of it, it happening so quickly I couldn't stop him. The nurse rushed to the window and looked out of it, searching for Skeppy before turning back to me.

"He's gone," the nurse stated in disbelief.

I growled in frustration as I saw him pop up on the TV a minute later, crystals coming out of his hands towards the team of three. Dream deflected the crystals with his knives and SapNap shot an arrow towards Skeppy.

Skeppy grabbed his leg and fell to the ground, SapNap's arrow hitting its target right in Skeppy's thigh. The camera zoomed in on Skeppy, who seemed to be in more and more pain every passing second.

1140 words

Skeppy's in trouble and A6d's not gonna be doing much :/ He'll still be mentioned and he will be visited every now and then, but he probs won't be playing superhero until maybe the end of the book, if at all.

Someone new is coming too >:) I'll let you guess who~


(p.s. the nurse was male, if you didn't know or if you care)

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