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We were dragged into a room after she got tired of no reaction from Skeppy, so Bad healed the slice on his neck and we were moved and were brought to a room. Decently small and not lit up except for the one light in the middle, lighting up some sort of X- shaped machine under it.

Knowing we were unable to do anything, me and Bad just watched helplessly as Skeppy was dragged away from us and cuffed into the X-Shape thing in the middle.

He had already given up on escaping, and it showed in his limp body and hanging head.

He gave a long look at Bad for reassurance, but the gaze was broken with a cry of pain as Skeppy was shocked on a high voltage suddenly. His cries echoed through the hallways of whatever lab we had been taken to, Bad sobbing beside me.

It could've been 10 minutes, it might've been two, but Skeppy's cries stopped as 'she' walked in, circling Skeppy's shaking, limp form in examination. 

"Please... stop..." Skeppy whispered to her through his silent sobs. "Make it stop..."

"Why would I do that?" she asked, flicking a switch for a moment then flicking it back, a spasm shooting through Skeppy at it. "Torture is fun!"

"Now I see where your son gets his torturous impulses from," I mumbled under my breath.

"Well of course!" she exclaimed. "I was the one who raised him after all."

"You're a terrible parent," Bad stated blatantly, looking up at her.

"Oh well that's a little harsh, don't you think?" she cooed, walking over to Bad and lifting his chin to look at her. "Do you want to be next, my dear?"

He pulled his head away from her hand and went back to his closed off state of fear, curling into a ball on the ground again.

Everyone's head shot up though when the doors to whatever torture room we were in opened and two guards walked it, a man being dragged between them. Dream walked in behind, but NotFound and SapNap were not present with him.

The man seemed like a stranger, head hung, hair and clothes ragged, but when he looked up I would recognize that face anywhere.


362 words (ew so short D:<)

All the homies hate a short chapter. Short chapters are rats >:/ This was filler that the story honestly could've lived without but, y'know, gotta show off Dream's Mom's evilness. 

Anyways, new chapter tomorrow so that should make up for the shortness of this one.

Constructive Criticism and Suggestions here!


(p.s. Thank you for 150 followers! I love you all so much <3)

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