Behind the Scenes!

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These are fun facts, things that were deleted, things that had been changed, other random things!

-The chapter 'Gone' was originally titled 'Betrayal' because Eline wasn't going to die and she would've used an implanted chip to control SapNap and make Dream and Sap fight, almost to the death.

-'Gone' went through three name changes. It was first called 'Betrayal' (reasons explained above), then 'As Soon As He Came,' talking about how right after Dream and Mathias got back together, he died. And just straight 'Death' at one point, lol.

-'Gone' was the chapter where I had to figure out whether to have a lot of angst, or have happiness. I'm glad I chose angst because 1) the chapter was way longer 2) kiss scene :] 3) friendships were damaged (quickly to be fixed) 4) conflict is fun :3

-Bad's original ability was limited time travel!

-In 'Another ONe', Bad's healing abilities were unplanned and only brought in at first because I had straight up forgotten Skeppy had been shot in the leg.

-When it came to the Dream Team's powers, my bunny actually decided lol. I wrote possible powers on a list, labeled them left and right, put two treats in front of my bunny, whichever he went for first, the other was marked off. Make sense? Did this until I had three left.

-It probably took me around an hour of background thinking to come up with Bad's special item.

-It took me a good 30 minutes to think of 'Elina' and 'Kason'

-In 'The Test' there was the line, "I will not stand for this tyranny,""Then you can sit down for it." There was originally an entire chapter dedicated to this line, but I couldn't fill it out enough so the line was put elsewhere.

-Along with the above statement, I called them 'The Three I's'. They were three chapters in a row. 'Isolation,' 'Insanity,' 'Interrogation'. I combined 'Isolation' and 'Insanity', and 'Interrogation' was there for the phrase, which I moved somewhere else. 

-I've told a few readers what Darryl meant in the first chapter by "something happened when I was little" where his father divorced or whatever, and then realized as I was doing this that his father was present during the story :I I was not smert boi

-Things with Bad's healing abilities:

A) Why didn't Bad heal Mathias? For his abilities to work he needs to know what he's healing, he can't just heal with no knowledge of what he's healing. Mathias was shot straight through the head and brain, and Bad did not know what in the brain needed to be healed, plus his weakness of it so healing a brain, skull, and skin took a lot of energy.

B) Why did he get sick, and then get better the next day? There's a real explanation that I'm sure some of you don't care about, but here it is!

While Bad's body was wracked with fever and pain, his abilities energy was going towards trying to keep him out of pain, and cool down his body to fight the fever, so they weren't actually working on healing. When he got pain meds, and they started working, it got his body out of pain enough for his abilities to actually work on healing him instead because the pain was already taken care of.

-Zak's mom was named after a close Twitter friend of mine!

-I regret making Techno and Spifey two of Zak's friend group because they would've made great experiments.

-One of the experiments used to be Schlatt but, due to lack of ideas, all mentions of Schlatt were changed to Ranboo.

Ask any further questions here, and I will answer all of them to the best of my ability!


(p.s. the tea party will be on the Discord server if you can make it, please put times that would work for you, so that I can plan a date and time!)

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