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"I want to come over to your house this time," I said as me and Darryl walked home, hands entwined. "Your mom has good cooking skills."

"Dissing your mother, are you?" he asked jokingly. "Her cooking's just as good."

"Yeah but it's nice to have someone else's cooking every now and then," I responded.

"I won't argue," Darryl said with a shrug. "You're always welcome. You just need your stuff."

"What, we can't sleep together?" I joked.

Darryl sputtered and stuttered as he was immediately flustered before saying, "Of course not!"

"Why not?" I questioned, smirking. "We're both gay for each other."

"We've been together for less than 24 hours!" Darryl argued, his face red.

"Well we could at least go on a date," I insisted, a little more serious this time.

Darryl calmed at that, questioning, "What kind of date?"

"A superhero date. Just jumping through town, me and you," I explained. "Maybe visit A6d."

"I could heal him, y'know," Darryl stated.

I stopped and looked at the ground in realization at how stupid I had been.

"Yeah let's do that," I said, continuing to walk home.

~~~~~~~~~~TimeSkip Brought to You by Techno~~~~~~~~~~

"I'm going to Darryl's mom!" I yelled into the house.

"Okay honey!" my mom yelled back. "Stay safe!"

I smiled and closed the door before bolting down the steps of my home, backpack with me, on my way to Darryl's house a few blocks away.

When I arrived and knocked on the door, his mother answered with her usual warm smile, greeting me and informing me that Darryl was in his room.

"Thanks Mrs. Novescotch!" I said to her, bounding up the stairs.

I opened Darryl's door to find him sitting on his bed, glasses in hand.

"What are those?" I asked, going over to sit on his bed.

He jumped up, startled, and his head shot up to look at me. He calmed, seeing that it was just me, and scooted closer to me, resting his head on my shoulder and grabbing my hand in his.

"You okay?" I wondered to him, squeezing his fingers and rubbing his knuckles.

"Yeah," he responded softly, letting out a small breath and scooting closer, closing what little space there was between our sides.

I tilted my head to look at his face and saw a small smile on his lips, his eyes closed in content.

"Normally I'm the snuggly quiet one," I joked to him, resting my head on Darryl's.

"So how about that date?" Darryl asked, changing the subject and lifting his head slowly off of my shoulder.

"Let me set up my mat first," I said, standing off the bed and swinging my bag off my shoulder.

I pulled the mat out and inflated it, plugging in my phone and pulling out my superhero mask.

"Is that your 'special item'?" Darryl asked me.

"Yeah," I answered. "How about yours?"

"These glasses," he told me. "They're also what make my eyes white."

I've Got Your Back (MCYT Superhero AU)Where stories live. Discover now