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They both stood in silence while jungkook knew he just ruined any type of relationship with his Hyung.
As jungkook stood there watching Jimin cry he felt so ashamed of what he had done and wanted to run away.

"Okay Hyung I'll go and wash up and you just unpack and we will talk properly about this tonight" jungkook said as he quickly walked to the bathroom not even looking back at Jimin.

As soon as he shut the bathroom door he slid down on the back of the door, sat on the floor and cried.

When jungkook finally came back out of the bathroom expecting to see Jimin lying in the second bed he saw Hobi who was supposed to by sharing with taehyung.

"What are you doing here Hyung?" Jungkook said.

"Jimin came to my room crying and asked to switch because he said you were making too much noise for him to sleep but did something else happen?" Hobi said while looking at jungkook with concern.

Jungkook shook his head and got in his bed without saying a word.

His heart felt like it fell out of his chest. He really hurt Jimin this time and he was unsure how to solve the situation. He must have made Jimin so embarrassed that he felt the need change rooms.
Jungkooks eyes filled with tears as all he could see was the moment he broke Jimin when all Jimin wanted to do was show him love. It played over and over in his head.

He then realised he would never be able to receive jimins perfect eye smile again or they would never be able to hug or cuddle again like they did before. Nothing would be the same. As he was devastated about these things he can never get back, Jungkook then realised he liked his Hyung in a different way. A way that he thought wasn't normal but it was undeniable. As he realised all of this tears started to poor down his face and they didn't stop all night. He has just messed up any chance with Jimin and even worse he hurt him.

Jimin Laid In bed and cried himself to sleep while already planning ways to make himself less disgusting in Jungkooks eyes. But what Jimin didn't know was that taehyung wasn't asleep and could hear him cry his heart out. However tae didn't feel it was the right time to comfort Jimin as he felt if Jimin knew he was awake he would feel embarrassed.


The next morning all the members woke up and went down for breakfast except for Jimin who went straight to the gym (in the hotel) he went early in the morning while everyone else was sleeping. As they sat there everyone could sense that there was something bothering jungkook.

"Are you okay jungkook" namjoon asked worried about the maknae.

Jungkook didn't say anything just nodded his head with a fake smile. All jungkook could think about is last night and jimins absence this morning.

"Hobi did you sleep well last night? I know you find it hard to sleep when we aren't in the same room" taehyung asked with a cheeky smile.

"Didn't you both get put in a room together?" Yoongi said with confusion.

"We did but then Jimin came to our room in tears asking to switch" hobi replied.

"Oh about that! Does anyone know what happened to him last night because he literally cried himself to sleep for hours and he sounded like he cried his heart out" taehyung said while looking around the table.

Jungkook felt his heart drop.

"Jungkook are you sure nothing happened between you both?" Jin asked worried about both Jimin and jungkook.

Jungkook couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't take listening to the hurt he caused Jimin. He knew Jimin skipped breakfast because of him and he knew Jimin had been in the gym for hours because of him.
He quickly got up and ran from the table back to his room. Hobi knew if anyone could get jungkook to open up it would be him so he got up and followed him to his room.

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