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As he woke up Jimin decided to act as if nothing happened the night before and told himself that he wouldn't exclude jungkook because of his harsh words but he wouldn't give him the same treatment as before now that he knows what jungkook really thinks of him. And Jimin really wanted to save himself the embarrassment. He was his Hyung. Nothing else.

"Morning Hyung" Jimin said strolling into the kitchen.

"Morning Jimin would you like to have breakfast with me? Don't forget we have to leave at 11am for the interviews." Jin replied with a concerned look on his face.

"No Hyung I'm going to go and workout with taehyung then I'll come back and eat, I won't be late."  Jimin said as he lied to his Hyung. He soon left for the gym.

Jungkook slowly woke up, showered and walked into kitchen.

"Where is everyone?" Jungkook asked.

" well yoongi Hyung is still sleeping, Jin hyung and namjoon are helping each other find outfits for today and Jimin and tae have gone to work out together." Hobi explained.

"Oh they went together?" Jungkook said as he only focused on the part about Jimin and tae.

Hobi nodded with a smile. And suddenly the door flew open and in came two sweaty hot people. They were leaning on each other and laughing together like no one was watching. It was Jimin and tae.

"Hi hobi Hyung!" Jimin said happily. He even threw jk a small smile so he didn't feel awkward but he didn't speak to him at all. Jungkook knew it wasn't genuine.

Jimin had wet messy hair with an oversized white T-shirt on that exposes his chiseled collar bone and due to his sweat the T-shirt began sticking to his body outlining his figure. Jungkook had turned red immediately and was flustered by his hyungs beauty which he always overlooked.

"Guys get ready let's go!" Jin said like a mother that hated being late.

After many they finally got to the last interview, all the members were worn out and tired but they just had to make it through this last one.

"So guys if you could go on holiday with one member who would it be?" The radio host asked.

Jungkook smiled as previously in an interview,a few days ago, Jimin said his answer was jungkook and he was looking forward to hearing it again.

"I would go with jin because I am the closest with him right now" namjoon answered.

"I would go with yoongi because he would know how to cook for me everynight" hobi explained.

Then it came to Jimin...

"I would go with taehyung because I think he would take good care of me and we are the same age so we get along the most" Jimin said with a bright smile.

Jungkook looked down and it felt like his heart just broke into a million pieces.
How can he change his mind so fast. Why is he so close to taehyung all of a sudden. It's annoying me! I just want him back! And I want things back the way they were.
jungkook thought as he clenched his fists.

Hobi suddenly looked and jk to make sure he was okay after hearing jimins answer as hobi knew the situation. But because Jimin is sat in between all of the members he saw hobi glance at jk which also made Jimin do the same. Jimin eyes locked with Jungkooks. They could see the pain in each others eyes but all they could do was look down while their hearts were breaking.

As they got in the cars on the way back jungkook was supposed to be riding with taehyung but again hobi got in the car instead.

"Where's tae?" Jungkook asked before taking a sip of his coke in a glass bottle.

"Erm... he- .... he's sharing with Jimin" hobi said with a sad look.

Jungkook felt anger rush inside of him and he felt his blood shoot around his body, faster and faster until he couldn't bare his rage and as he was squeezing it so hard the glass bottle SHATTERED all over his hand leaving him with deep cuts and covered in blood, it was dripping everywhere.

"SERIOUSLY WHAT IS IT WITH THEM TWO BEING SO CLOSE RECENTLY!" Jungkook shouted before he even noticed his hand .....

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