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it's time. for hero basic training!

"I AM! HERE! coming through the door like a hero." everything gasped, mumbling about All Might being a teacher. I smile while people comment on his outfit. I'm surprised Midoriya didn't scream. Kirishima commented on how this year was gonna be fun. "welcome to the most important class UA High! think o git as Hero-ing 101! here you will learn the basics of being a pro, and what it means to fight in the name of good! LET'S! GET! TO! IT! TODAY'S LESSONS WILL PULL NO PUNCHES! but, one of the keys of being a hero is; looking good! these were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms and requests you sent in before school started!" everyone gasped, cheering loudly. my eyes widen, staring at my seat number, trying to remember if I got mine in. I'm sure I did. "get yourselves suited up, then meet me at Training Ground Beta!"

"Yes, Sir!"


"they say that clothes make the pros, and you young ladies and gentlemen are the proof!" we all walked out, I smile, feeling giddy with my costume on. it's perfect. 'i'm so glad I asked Hizashi for help with this.' i fingers run over the puffy sleeves, bending my knee to feel my.. leg capes. against the back of it. "take this to heart. from now you are all heroes in training!" we all stand in front of the entrance, all looking badass. I smile as All Might continues; "this is getting me all revved up! you look so cool. now, shall we get started, you buncha newbies?" some of us cheered slightly, clearly excited. "now that you're ready, it's time for combat training!"

"Sir!" Iida asked after All Might had finished, "this is the same fake city as the entrance exam. are we going to be conducting urban battles again?" Iida questions, his normal 'boi' hand up. I take a moment to look at his costume. it looks oddly familiar.

"Not quite!" All Might exclaims, his hand rising to hold two fingers up in front of himself. "I'm going to put you two steps ahead! most of you see villain fights on the news to take place outside. however, statistically speaking, run-ins with the most dastardly wrong do-ers take place indoors! think about it. backroom deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs. truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows." I look around slowly, wondering what the entrance exam was like. I know Hizashi told me it was hard, but. it might've been fun. I'll have to ask Iida, or Midoriya about it later. "for this training exercise, you'll be split into teams of good guys and bad guys and fight indoor two-on-two battles."

"Isn't this a little advanced?" Tsu asked, and as I think it over, I'm started to agree with her. this sounds like a little much. All Might's arm came up, finger pointing up as he spoke.

"the best training is what you get on the battlefield! but, remember. you can't just punch a robot this time. you're dealing with actual people this time."

"Sir, will you be the one to decide who wins?" Yaoyorozu asked. that is a good question, but another would be if he is deciding, could he choose fairly?

"How much can we hurt the other team?" wow. a very Bakugo question.

"do we need to worry about the loser getting expelled like earlier?" Uraraka does have a point there.

"Will you be splitting us up based on chance or comparative skill?" a smart and tactical question. just like Iida.

"isn't this cape tres chic?" its a nice cape, Aoyama.

"I wasn't finished talking!" All Might struggles to get out, looking... very stressed. but, shutting everyone who was even thinking about talking up quickly. "Listen up!" All Might opened a booklet. did.. did this man make himself a script? "the situation is this. The villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout. the heroes must try to foil their plans. to do that, the heroes must either catch the villains or recover the weapon. likewise, the villains succeed if they manage to their payload, or capture the heroes." I run through it in my head, trying to figure out who I would be best and worst against. it seems decently even. "time is limited, and we'll choose teams by drawing lots!"

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