the teams.

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Midnight continued to explain how it would work. I stood there, a hand on my chin as I tried to think of a plan that would work. I looked around, trying to put together teams in my head. 'i'm high up with points but not as high as Midoriya. I should have a decent chance if I can snag a good team. I could use my quirk, but then if I'm not the head, it could go south on me.' I hear everyone in A-1 talking amongst themselves, Nemuri quickly sounded off.

"You all have fifteen minutes to pick your teams, and I suggest you do it now!" I let out a small stressed sigh, watching as everyone crowds around Bakugo. I watch as people pair off. leaving me standing alone. I look over everyone once more, trying to find faces that stick out to me. there are people from 1-B... I don't have anyone.

"Fuck.." I mumble lowly. I see Shoji and Tsu standing next to each other. that could be a good team to join. you need at least three people. "No." I fiddle with my mask, spotting a familiar head of purple hair. "SHINSO!" I call out, my feet stumbling together as I jog to his side. "Team? please?" I smile nervously, staring up at him with the 'cutest' look I can manage.

"Why not, Lamby." Shinso and I end up getting Ojiro and another Student from 1-B. we're all standing together. trying to figure out how it'll be formed. "Lamby.. ahem, Collins will be on my shoulders. Ojiro. you'll be on the right, Nirengeki you'll be left. she's our best bet at getting bands." we continued the idle conversation until a loud buzz went off above us, effectively making me jump as Nemuri started speaking.

"Oh, goody. it's time to get this party started." I watched as she stretched, another familiar voice filling the arena.
"Hey, hey! look alive! after fifteen minutes to pick teammates and talk strategy, 12 cavalry teams are preparing to go head to head!" I smile, looking up at the commentators' box.

"I'll win. I gotta. for Hizashi."
"come on! everyone get your hands in the air, its time for an arena thumping UA battle royale! let me hear you SCREAM!" Shinso helped me get on his shoulders, Ojiro and Nirengeki holding me up from the sides. Hizashi starting counting down, Nemuri finishing it as we started running.

"We just need enough to get into the next round, okay? we gotta go fast, and stay ahead. we already have 485 points!" we all rushed forward. I quickly pull my mask off, tapping Shinso's shoulder to alert him. after seven minutes, we had zero points. "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." I mumbled repeatedly, everyone in my team's eyes slightly glossed over. we were losing. I nod my head to myself. it's now or never. "Start going for smaller teams. Tsu and Shoji, anyone from any course. we need to at least place." the attention had been on Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugo the whole time. if we try hard enough, we can slip by unnoticed. 12 minutes. up to 285. 14 minutes. 425. we had a minute left, and we needed to get closer. we skid to a stop in front of a team with someone with white hair leading. class 1-B.

"give me all your headbands." my throat buzzes as I speak as clearly as possible, watching as his eyes glaze over and quickly avert from mine. hands worked quickly, shoving all that they had into my hands. I grin, looking back to see their confusion as my quirk wears off. the next thing I knew, the buzzer went off. I quickly put my mask back on, letting the buzz fade as I see everyone in my team come back to their senses. I heard Hizashi yell the teams who had made it overhead. we were in third.

I quickly hop off Shinso's shoulders, my arms wrapping around him as I squeal. "SHINSO! WE DID IT!" I let go, hopping up and down as he stares at me.

"you did well, Lamby. now, please stop jumping before you fall..." I stop, hands waving up and down at my sides as I smile. Hizashi is announcing the lunch break!

"Hey, Eraserhead. let's go get some food."
"I'm gonna take a nap."

I look at Shinso, raising an eyebrow. "wanna eat together? I'm starving. Oh! I gotta go tell Hizashi about everything first. wait for me?" I wave as I start walking away, too excited to wait for his answer. I run through the, admittingly very confusing, hallways. I hear heavy footsteps in front of me, but they make their way far too quickly for me to react. I feel my face collide with a torso. 'wait, torso?' i quickly step back, hearing a deep voice fill the empty air.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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