the lamb.

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After USJ, I was able to spend time at home, with Hizashi. Nezu had given him the day off so he could stay with me. it was a slow day, but it kept me thinking. Hizashi and I tried our best to take it easy and to just let ourselves calm down from the attack that had left me bruised, and someone we both see as family battered. I couldn't help but dwell on everything that happened. how much more help I could've offered if I was stronger, quirk wise, and physically. I want to get stronger. I have to. for Shota.


"Did you see the news?! it's so cool that we got to be on TV, even if it was only for a moment! though, I bet nobody noticed me hanging out in the back." Hakagure spoke loudly, everyone else chattering away as I lay my head down on my desk, resting my cheek on my palm. I wonder who's gonna handle homeroom instead of Shota. maybe Hizashi?

"ATTENTION! homeroom class is about to begin! everyone stop talking, and take your seats!"

"uuhh, we're all sitting."
"Yeah, you're the only one standing."

the door slid open, a familiar monotone voicing filling the air. "Morning, class." I lean over my desk, glaring at the time as everyone screams. Shota limps over to his desk, making me quickly get up, speed walking over to him. I reach on my toes, bringing my hand down lightly on the top of his head, just as he does to me when I'm doing something stupid. "Dia, get back in your seat."

"Shota Aizawa! you're an intelligent adult, why don't you have enough brain cells to realize you need more than one day of rest!?" I continue lightly slapping his head as I speak. "Just wait until Hizashi hears about this, he's going to absolutely murder you! and then me! because I didn't tell him!" I all but screech, taking my hand off of Shota and bringing it onto my own head.

"Dia. sit down. your Mic is showing." I twist around, doing a full-bodied spin as I glare at the man in front of me. I huff, sitting back down, quietly hearing him say "Hizashi won't find out. because if he does, we're both dead." he huffs, bringing his voice back to a normal tone. "my well being is irrelevant. what's more important is your fight is far from over. "

everyone mumbled as I tried figuring out what he could mean. but, I guess he answered that for me. "The UA sports festival is about to start." I could hear Kirishima say something behind me, everyone else screaming at Sho for scaring them.


"wait a second."

"is it really such a good idea to hold the sports festival so soon after a villain attack?" and that proves my theory of Jirou and Kaminari sharing brain cells. Ojiro also says something, but I was too focused on my thoughts to listen.

"The administration thinks this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled, and our school is safer than ever. plus, they're beefing up security compared to the past years. this event is a huge opportunity for all students here at UA. it's not something we can cancel because of a few low-level villains." that makes.. some sense. I just hope we don't almost die this time. "our sports festival is the most-watched event in the entire world. in the past, everyone obsessed over the Olympic games, but then quirks started appearing. now, the Olympics have been drastically reduced in terms of scale and viewership. for anyone who cares about competition, there's only one tournament that matters. the UA Sports Festival."

"that's right! and top hero's everywhere will be watching. this is where you get scouted." Yaoyorozu clenched her fist, holding it up slightly as she spoke. is this her form of excited?
"Yeah, unless you're DEAD." I sign quickly, watching Sho send me an 'i saw that.' glare.
"she's right! after graduating, a lot of people join pro agencies as sidekicks."
"Yeah, but that's as far as some people go. they miss their chance to go indie and stay eternal sidekicks. that's probably where you're going. you're kinda dumb."

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