the trip.

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"Today's training is gonna be a little different. you'll have three instituters. me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you." everyone gasps at the number of pros, but Sero quickly cut that short, asking a question loudly. "Recuse. you'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, stuff like that." everyone in the room chattered on went he was cut short. "guys, I'm not finished yet." everyone shut up. "what you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know you're all excited about costumes," he pushed a button on his remote thing, the numbered cases coming out of the wall. "but keep in mind that you aren't used to them, yet. they might limit your abilities. this special trainings at an off-campus facility, so we'll be taking the bus to get there. that's all. start getting ready."

everyone got out of their seats, heading towards their costumes and changing rooms. after we had all gotten changed, standing in front of the buses, a loud whistle goes off. "Gather round, class 1-A!" Iida yelled, moving his arm away from his mouth to hang at his side. "Using your student numbers, form two neat lines so we can load the bus efficiently!" as he finished, he brought the whistle back up, blowing into it every so often in small, sharp goes.


"The buses open layout ruined my boarding plan!" hearing the passing conversation from where I was sitting was pretty calming.

"if any of us have flashy pro quirks, it's Todoroki and Bakugo."

"sure, but Bakugo's always angry. so, he'll never be that popular." and here comes the yelling. never a quiet moment in class, huh.

"what'd you say!? I'll kick your ass!"

"Y'know, we basically just met you you know. so, it's kinda telling that all of us know your personality is flaming crap mixed with garbage."

"You're gonna regret the day you applied to this school, you loser!"

I sighed, talking slowly once I realized my quirk hadn't been active at all. "My quirk isn't that flashy, but it's decently powerful. it's one of the reasons I got in through recommendation." apparently how I got in wasn't widely known. everyone gasped, most really confused. Midoriya started talking first, beating all the others to the question they wanted to ask.

"I thought UA only let in four recommendations? are you a fifth?" I laugh, even Bakugo shut up to listen to me! a rare thing. I stand up, moving from the back to the middle where everyone could see me better.

"It isn't said that I was recommended, I didn't have to go through the testing they did. I only did the written tests. my quirk could be extremely dangerous if trained incorrectly, and even though my guardian has a vocal quirk, his is nothing like mine. in all truth, if I didn't have has strong morals as I do, it would be extremely easy for me to be a villain, and one that people feared. but, I'd much rather help people." as I finished, everyone was looking at me. "Sorry, I know this is the most I've talked. I'm just relaxed right now, the chances of my quirk activating is really low. I have a hard time controlling it, kinda like you, Midoriya!" I smile brightly.

"Hey, hey. we're here. stop messing around."


"Hello, everyone, I've been waiting for you!" Thirteen said as we stood in front of them, Midoryia, Uraraka, Iida, and Kirishima in the front, Tokoyami, Bakugo, Yaoyorozu, Kaminari and I in the back. I simply chose to stand next to Tokoyami. he's nice. I looked over at Midoryia as I could only imagine the thoughts running through his head. but, surprisingly, he wasn't the one to speak up. Uraraka made a 'woohoo' sound before she started, pumping her arms up and down as she spoke.

"Thirteen is one of my favorite heroes!" she said just loud enough for us to hear, but I doubt the pro-hero heard her.

"I can't wait to show you all what's inside." everyone gasped as we walked in, few voices spoke up but I pay them no mind. I listened vaguely to thirteen, but tuning back in when Aizawa asked about All Might. "he's resting in the teachers' lounge." I could hear Aizawa's reply, but I move my focus to the rest of the area. there were different terrain, split into different sections.

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