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Kiris pov~
I'm sitting in my office head in hands when my mate enters a worried look on his face. I look at him and see stress tracing his eyes.
"What's wrong babe?"
"An omega trade ring was spotted in town.."
I sigh and stand up walking to his side. I use my power as an alpha to hide the bags under our eyes. With dealing with making omega trade rings illegal and searching for our last mate were exhausted. I take his hand and we walk out to our prepared carriage. The carriage is surrounded by guards on horses as we enter the town. Me and katsuki leave our Guards as we walk through the town heads down hoping not to be recognized. We were walking past an alley when a small wolf comes running and hits my leg.
"Excuse you!"
I burning sensation fills my wrist and I pull my sleeve up and see a small mark appearing on my wrist. I gasp and show katsuki he pulls his shirt up and reveals the same mark. I look at the omega tremble as he runs off as if he's being chased.
Katsukis pov-
We watch the omega run and begin to walk towards him when suddenly someone grabs him running.
Katsuki- hey!
We take off on the direction of the guy and the town begins to take notice of us. Our guards begin to rush after us unsure of what was happening.
Kiri- put him down!
I tackle the dude and he drops the omega. I feel pheromones being released of fear. Kiri picks up the trembling omega. The omega bites kiri and tries for run but kiri doesn't let go. I see him freaking out as the omega tries to escape. The guards take the guy from me putting him in handcuffs and I rush towards my mates.
"Hey.. calm down we're not gonna hurt you.."
I release a small amount of calming pheromones and the omega begins to calm.
"We are to leave immediately.." kiri says to our guards as they rush to prepare everything.
The omega trembles against kiris chest and I begin to wonder what happened to him.
Dekus pov-
I sit quietly in between the 2 strangers. I begin to feel tired in my wolf form so I shift back to my human form. I see them look at me in shock and the red head begins to blush. I look down and see my shirt is ripped in to pieces. My muscular body is shown below and I quickly shape shift back crawling under a seat.
"Don't hide from us.. we're not gonna hurt you please come out.." the red head.
my omega side is fighting with me to run into my mates chest but I stay under the seat trembling.
"Maybe it will help if we introduce ourselves babe.."
the blonde says putting his hand on top of the red heads.
"I'm kiri.. and this is Bakugou.."
"I.. Izuku midoriya..".
Bakugou drops onto his knees coxing me out form under the seat. He pulls me onto his lap and I transform back he hands me a hoodie and I put it on.
"Thanks.." i say worried that I would be punished. He gives me a small smile and begin to wag my tail. I feel so comfortable around them and I just met them.
Kiri begins to fuse over my cuts with the carriages first aid kit. He puts ointment and bandages on all my cuts.
"We have a long trip you should rest." I nod still timid and move to the other side of the seats laying down. I fall asleep and wake up to a hushed conversations.
Eijiro- I can smell them on him..
Katsuki- so you think he's been in suppressants for 4 years?
I put my ears down and watch him.
Izuku- umm.. it's actually 6 years.. master said that I can't have heat..
They seem hurt at my comment and I tuck my tail curling into a little ball. He comes over and goes to put his hand on me. I flinch back when he goes to touch me.
Deku- please don't hurt me..
Katsuki- baby.. we're not gonna hit you..
I can hear the hurt tracing his voice and I tuck my tail in further.
Kiri- please smile.. for us baby?
I give a weak smile and they hug me. My ears go back up and my tail come out form between my legs.
Katsuki- when we get home we're gonna get you cleaned up then changed.
I nod afraid to speak. My mates release calming pheromones cause I guess I subconsciously released nervous pheromones.
Eijiros pov-
We arrive at the castle Izuku in between me and Bakugou.
"Hey babe just don't look at anyone okay.. it might seem a bit overwhelming right now.."
He nods and we walk through the entrance people immediately surround us and Bakugou growls.
Bakugou- not now..
I guess they saw the small male tucked between us because they backed up and we took him to the medic ring as recovery girl fixed him up and we took him to our room for a shower. He showers and comes out laying down. I wrap my arms around him and gasp at how skinny he is. He falls asleep in my arms and I quietly slip out of the bed. I watch my sleeping mate and see something showing through on his ankle. I walk over cautiously looking at his ankle and see the mark of a royal omega. I gasp quietly not wanting to make up my smaller mate. I walk down to our office quietly doing my work.
It's been about 2 months since we've brought izu home.
Izuku is sleeping right now while Bakugou and I are working. After about 2 hours it's time for lunch so I walk upstairs saying bye to Katsuki to wake up Izuku. I walk into the room expecting to see my younger mate sleeping. He's not in there so I quickly search the room not finding him.  I run into the hall calling for the guards.
Sero- what's wrong your majesty?
Kiri- start a search party looking for Izuku, upon being found alert Bakugou or I immediately, alert Bakugou immediately of the said situation with the omega.
Only our top generals know of Izuku.
They nod running in different directions. I begin to walk down the hall looking for my mate when I hear yelling.

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