Back to school.

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Y/N's POV.

We get inside the school and I grabbed a chair to lock the doors with. I lead on down a hallway towards a door. This hallway looks like the maintenance area. So that must mean the main hall is behind this door. I slowly open it and peeked my head inside. No ones around. What the hell? Where is everyone? We go inside where everything is silent. It's all very ominous.

Clem: "Hello?! Anybody here?! We don't mean no harm! We just wanna discuss something with all you!" She says as her voice echos through the hall. No response. I look down and noticed some empty bullet cartridges on the floor. I picked one of them up and looked around for any bullet holes and there's some leading upstairs.

Y/N: "Something went very wrong here, Clem."

Clem: "You mean that, this place might've been attacked? By who?"

Y/N: "Not sure." I point up to where the bullet holes are. "Maybe if we head to the second floor, we'll find some answers." We looked and found the staircase to the second floor. We go up the stairs and find the door to the second floor. I tried opening it but it's locked. "Got any spare hairpins, Clem?"

Clem: "Unfortunately not, but we won't need that anyway." She points to a light on the door. "It looks like it's locked electricity."

Y/N: "Well, how do we open it then?"

Clem: "It could be in the basement. We just gotta find the junction box down there and flip the switch on the second floor."

Y/N: "How do you know so much about that stuff?"

Clem: "Back in Richmond. I helped out one of the construction crew turn on back the power to the whole town square, remember?"

Y/N: "Oh yeah. Good thing you payed attention to what they did, huh?"

Clem: "Sure did. Come on, let's find that junction box and turn back on the power." We went back downstairs and looked around for a door to the basement. I then see a map on the wall and examined it. We're on the first floor and the way to the basement is through the office and there is a hatch to the basement.

Y/N: "Alright, it's through this way." I say pointing to the office. We go through there and found the hatch, behind the receptionist desk. "Kinda weird to have a way to the basement through the main office, huh?"

Clem: "Not really. At my elementary school, we had to go to the cafeteria through the gym. When ever there ways a class in gymnasium, a ball would rarely fly in and hit a kid in the face." I chuckled at this and carefully opened it, to seeing pitch black darkness. I take out my flashlight and shined it down there, to see a staircase to the basement. I walked down the steps and it feels a little unbalanced.

Y/N: "Watch you step, Okay? It's a little rickety." We easily made our way down the steps and the only way we could see is the light from my flashlight. "You got your flashlight?" She nods and takes out her flashlight and turns it on. "Great." I then shine my light up at the ceiling and see some wires that lead to somewhere. "Okay. If we follow these wires, it might lead us to the box."

Clem: "That means we're gonna have to split up. They go in separate hallways. When we find it and turn back on the power, we'll follow these wires to lead us back to here."

Y/N: "Okay. Be careful."

Clem: "I should be the one telling you that, at this point."

Y/N: "Whats that supposed to mean?"

Clem: "Well, you know, you always seem to put yourself in danger all the time. Almost get yourself killed at some points."

Y/N: "Well where's the fun in that, hmm?" We both smiled and I gave her a quick kiss on the lips and we went our ways to find this power box. As I follow the wires, I see a big room with a generator and some gas cans. "This must be where the building gets it power." I said to myself as I go find the box to power it back up. After a bit of searching, I found the box and and opened it. I see a bunch of switch's and buttons that I have no idea what they do. "Oh come on, Y/N. Your a smart kid. You've made through this apocalypse for almost 5 years now. You can figure out how this thing works." I say to myself again. I then see that the door has instructions on it and where each switch powers up to in the entire building. I read through it closely and figured out where the second floor power buttons are. I flick a few switches and soon enough, the power came back on. The generator roars loudly as I turn off my flashlight. "Let there be light." I say to myself once more. Suddenly, I hear something right behind me and it's a bunch of walkers up against a fence! Trying to break through! I jump and move back as I see the fence is starting to break. So I run passed them as they break through the fence. I ran as fast as I could and followed the wires back to where Clementine was waiting by the steps.

Clem: "Whats wrong?"

Y/N: "There's a shit load of walkers down here! Get up the steps, go!" Clem was the first to go up the steps and up to the office. I followed but suddenly, my foot fell through one of the steps and it got stuck. To make my situation worse, the walkers drew nearer as I pulled out my rifle, ready to shoot. Clem climbs back down to help get my leg unstuck, as the walkers appeared. I aimed my rifle and shot one of them. Clem eventually gets my leg unstuck and we climbed as fast as we could back up the steps and I slammed the hatch shut.

Clem: "Here, use this!" She said as she tries to move a desk above the hatch and I help her. We get it over the hatch and we caught our breath. "I told be careful."

Y/N: "No need to remind me. Let's get upstairs." We went back upstairs and see that the light is now on. I twisted the door nob and it opens. We entered in the second floor and smelled something bad. Smells like a...dead body...We followed where the smell was coming from and it's in a classroom. History class. I tried opening it but it's blocked by something. "Hey, gimme a hand with this." We both used our body weight to get in and we soon got in. When we got in, we see someone who hung himself.

Clem: " think it was one of the people here?"

Y/N: "Maybe. Looks like he died about a week ago or two."

Clem: "Still don't tell us where A.J is." I then Look over her and see a micro recorder. I go over and picked it up and played it back so we can listen to it.

"The group that attacked us...took the children...damn near all of them! Those fucking savages! Using kids as soldiers! It's fucking sick!!! *cough* Those basterds shot me up pretty good...I'm not gonna last for very long...I might just...take a rope...and tie it above me...this is a message to the Mccaril Ranch survivors...I've sent a the name of Maxine...with a three year old baby boy...he's the last of the kids that we tried to protect....God be with her....and the rest of you all......." I turned off the recorder and think about where the mccaril ranch is.

Clem: "How far is it?"

Y/N: "I've heard where it is. Somewhere north west of Green Bay. So it's not exactly close. If we manage to keep the horse alive, it might-." Suddenly, I see a light shine from the balcony across from us.

Clem: "What is it?"

Y/N: "Get down!" I Said as I grabbed her and we fell to the ground, just as a bullet was about to hit us from the other side.

Search for the last Hope. (A Clementine x Male Reader short story). Where stories live. Discover now