Cold fight.

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Meanwhile...Narrators POV.

The blizzard is getting more difficult for the young man, Y/N Miller, who's heading into the town square. To find his girlfriend, Clementine. What's worse is that the towns filled with cannablistic psychopaths. But the blizzard can be used to the boys advantage to get passed the canniboles quietly. Soon enough, the teenager came across a gas station and on the other side as it cleared up for a second, there was a big bus blocking the way into the town. In front of that bus, some men appeared with melee weapons and guns.

Y/N: "Oh shit!" He said to himself as he runs and hides in the gas station. He goes over to where the window is and eve drops on what the men are saying.

???: "This blizzard is getting really bad, man! We're gonna freeze out here just for a couple of kids?! That ain't gonna be enough to feed all of us!"

???: "You'd be surprised at how much meat there is when you chop 'em up! Plus, we could use the supplies on them. Now quit making excuses to get back to your warm fire and find these little shits!"

Y/N: "Oh yeah? Fuck you guys." He says quietly to himself. That's when one of the guys goes up to the gas station.

???: "Hey, where you going?"

???: "Gotta take a piss!"

???: "Alright, hurry up! And no smoking pot in the bathroom. Like how I caught you last time!" He says as the guy walking up to the gas station flips him off. Y/N goes to the cashier desk and hides behind it as the guy enters the gas station and heads to the bathrooms. Y/N then sneaked to where the guy was and he's at the urinal, pissing into it. Y/N pulls out his gun and pokes the guy in the back of the neck with it.

Y/N: "You make a noise, a gunshot is gonna be the last thing you hear." He says to him as he zips up his fly. He was about to turn his head but Y/N says. "Don't look at me. Keep your eyes on the wall."

???: "Sure. Your the boyfriend, right?"

Y/N: "That's right. A very pissed off one too. Now where do you boys keep your "food supply?"

???: "In the restaurant, across town. You know, you may think your a badass. Waving around that gun and shit. But I think your chicken shit."

Y/N: "Well, who killed all your friends back down south? In Charlotte."

???: "I think it's bullshit. There's no way you and that bitch of yours managed to kill all those men."

Y/N: "Oh yeah?" He cocks back the hammer on his gun. "Wanna test that theory?"

???: "Hmm. Let's test." He says as he quickly goes for his knife and slashed Y/N's arm with it. The kid falls to the floor, holding his arm as the man try's to stomp on him but Y/N dodges and shoots him in the leg. Before Y/N could finish him off, shots were fired at him from outside as he takes cover behind a shelf. The man limps away in cover as his friends walk into the gas station. Y/N managed to sneak passed them and got into the garage workshop. He sees a car, elevated by a lift. He also sees the lift hydroelectrics. This gives him an idea. As he hears the men looking for him in the store, Y/N looks at the hydroelectrics and finds the hose that makes it work. He picks up an empty can on the ground and throws it under the lifted car and that gets the men's attention.

???: "Come on, kid. This is ridiculous. If you come out, I promise I'll kill you quickly. Unlike some of our other friends." He says as two out of the four men go under the car and one of them picks up the car. As this was happening, Y/N pulled out his knife and cut the hose and soon, the car dropped right on top of the men under it.

???: "NOOO, RONNY!! GEORGE!!" One of the other men shouts as he goes over and checks on them. As he did this, Y/N took the opportunity to run out the door to the outside and the man shot at the door. "ILL FUCKING KILL YOU, KID!!" The man Y/N shot in the leg comes out limping and takes the gun from him.

???: "Stop wasting bullets, you dumbass!"

???: "What the fuck we suppose to kill this kid with then?! Knifes?!"

???: "Just shut up! Go outside and look around the building! Make sure he won't get out of here alive!" He hands him back his pistol and goes outside through the shop. The other man goes out the door Y/N went and looked down for his footprints in the snow. It was visible but it was slowly being covered up by the blizzard. He follows them to the back of the gas station and it ends abruptly in front of a garbage container. This gives the man confidence and he goes up to the garbage container and opens it...but Y/N's not there.

???: "The Hell?" Just as He closed it, Y/N is standing behind the container and shoots the man in the face.

Y/N: "Wow, these guys are idiots!" He says to himself and runs around the building, before he's pulled back in by the man with the hurt leg. He takes away Y/N's gun and and throws away and pulls out a baseball bat. He swings at him but Y/N blocks it with his machete. They then get into a baseball bat on machete sword fight with dodges and swings and kicks before Y/N ends it with him taking out his other leg and making him fall to his knees. He then stares Y/N in the face with a dead look.

???: "Damn. Looks theory...was proven wrong..." He says, in his dying breaths.

Y/N: " was..." He says, picking up his gun.

???: "Well...what the fuck you waiting for?! DO IT ALREADY!" Y/N then pulls out his boot-knife and grabs his head and stabs him in the brain, whilst looking into his eyes. He cleans the blood off his knife and goes outside to the barricade and-.


Y/N gets shot and falls to the ground! As two men are on the bus barricade. One with a rifle and the other with a shotgun.

???: "Hey, I got the little shit!" Says the man with a sniper.

???: "Damn. Looks like I owe you a new gun."

???: "Damn right you do! Let's go pick up his body and put him with the rest of them." They climb down the bus and go over to Y/N's body. The man with the shotgun try's to pick him up but he's not strong enough.

???: "Shit! I need to get back into shape. Come here and help me."

???: "Or the kid weighs a ton." Right when he puts away his rifle, the shotgun guy gets shot in the jaw and the guy with the rifle gets shot in the eyeball by Y/N! The boy gets up, struggling a bit and was all confused on how he's still alive. He then looks through the bullet hole in his jacket's where he keeps his fathers pocket watch.

Y/N: "No no no no!!" He takes out the pocket watch has the bullet...he takes out the bullet and opens it and checks the picture of his mom and dad. Once he opened it...the bullet hole is on his fathers face...Before Y/N could cry, he toughs it out and drops the picture and puts the watch back in his pocket and climbs over the bus, into the town. As the blizzard clears up a bit, Y/N sees black smoke, coming from the restaurant!

Y/N: "Oh no, Clementine..."

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