It's Clementine.

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Clem's POV.

I wake up from being knocked out by the chloroform and the sounds of chopping. I regained my vision and see that I'm in a cage of some kind and on the outside of it, that guy, Nate, is chopping up a dead body! I gasped at this sight and backed against the wall as he looks at me and shakes his head in annoyance. He stabbed the blade into the body and walks out the room. I get up and tried pushing the gate door open but it's locked. I reached my hands through the bars and tried unlocking the padlock but it needs a key to it. I then kicked the gate in frustration as Andy walks in with a plate of something.

Andy: "Oh good, your awake. Was getting kinda worried there. You were out for quite a while. You feeling okay?"

Clem: "Just dandy." I Said, giving him a death stare.

Andy: "Here. You should eat." He said as he slides the plate under the gate. I look at the plate and it's a...plate of food? "Go on, eat up."

Clem: "What is it?"

Andy: "It's the deer you killed."

Clem: "With some human seasonings on it?"

Andy: "No. I promise ya." I looked down at the "food" and I was pretty hungry.

Clem: "Your a fucking monster!" I Said as I picked up the plate and began chowing down on the food.

Andy: "That's quick to judgement. Considering you and your friends killed how many of my men?

Clem: "They gave us no choice. They shot at us first too." I Said, with a mouthful of food.

Andy: "And you think we've got a choice? You kill to survive...and so do we. Just a bit differently from your expertise. We have to take care of our own. No matter what we have to do."

Clem: "What happens now? Your gonna chop me up into a million pieces? Serve me to your friends out there?"

Andy: "Not exactly. I know your still with...what's his name, Lee? You couldn't have survived this long without him. If he finds out your here...well, I'm Sure you'll know what happens..." I get angry at what he said and threw the plate at him and some food splashed on his face. "Was hoping you would tell me your name but...okay..." He said, rubbing the meat off his face.

Clem: "Your so full of shit!"

Andy: "On the contrary. You see, I've been real honest with you." He said, Grabbing the plate and putting it in the sink. "Now I think it's your turn to be honest with me. It's the only way I can convince the others to not kill you. That you could come around. And...maybe seeing Lee again. So..what do you say?" He said, placing his wolf bitten hand on top of mine on the cage bars. I then put my other hand on top of his and I jab my fingers into his wound and he shouts in pain. I then see the cage keys on his belt and I try to grab them through the cage but he grabs my arm and slams me against the cage door and I fell to the floor with a potential broken nose.

Andy: "You dumb little girl! Your making this much more difficult to keeping you alive! What the hell am I gonna tell the others now?!" He says as he try's to leave but I say.

Clem: "Clementine." I say, checking my nose if it's broken but it's not.

Andy: "What's that?"

Clem: "Tell them the little girl...who's gonna FUCKING KILL YOU!"

Andy: "How'd you put it...a million pieces? Done. See you in the morning, Clementine." He leaves the room and I sat down on the floor...hoping that Y/N is okay...

The next day...Y/N's POV.

I wake up and I see that I'm in a bed, covered up. I look around and I don't see Clementine anywhere.

Y/N: "Clementi-." I say as I try to get out of bed but once I sat up, I felt a sharp pain on my side. I lift up my shirt and see that my wound has healed fairly decent but it's still extremely sore. I got up from the bed and looked around to seeing my gear on the floor next to a chair. I go to it and picked up my backpack first and put it on. Along with my gun belt with the machete attached to it. Last but not least, Kennys hat. I put it on and go downstairs to find Clementine. "Clementine?!" No answer. She must've went out. So I go to the garage and see Beul. Wait, if she left, she would've taken the horse. I go up to Beul and petted him.

Y/N: "Hey boy. Where did Clementine go, huh?" I gave him an apple from the bag and went to the garage door and opened it. I went outside and closed the door and walked around town to find Clementine. "Clementine?!" Still No answer. I was gets very worried now, so I pulled out my gun and went down the street. As I walked down the street, I look up and see the clouds get a little dark. Might be a blizzard coming. I looked back down the street and see somebody walking. I immediately ducked down and hid behind a car. I looked through the back window of the car and see him just walking around but when he turned to my direction, he had an arrow to his knee and neck and he was a walker. Suddenly, a gunshot went off and the walker fell to the floor dead for good. I looked where the gunshot came from and two men walked out of the house in front of me.

???: "Damn! Nice shot!"

???: "Thanks but I gotta ask. What are we even doing out here man?"

???: "We're looking for that other kid Andy told us about." Other kid? Oh no...When they weren't looking, I sneaked my way over to the car next to me and I saw a bottle on the ground and that gave me an idea.

???: "Okay but I didn't even want to come out here, man! It's fucking cold up here! It's so cold that I feel like my nuts are gonna fall off!"

???: "Well, If your so cold, then go back to camp! Cause I don't wanna hear you bitching!" I picked up the bottle and threw it in some direction and it broke, which produced a loud noise and that got their attention. "What the fuck?!"

???: "Go check it out!" As they looked where the bottle landed, I sneaked my way over to the big rig behind them and I saw a lead pipe on the ground. I took it and ran up behind the one man and knocked him out with it. The other guy saw and shot at me and missed. I took cover behind the big rig and pulled out my gun.

Y/N: "WHERE IS SHE?!" I took a quick peek and saw the man running to a house across the street. I then chased after him with the lead pipe and pistol in my hands. "ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, YOUR GONNA TELL ME!!!" He goes in the house and forgets to close the door. I followed him into the house and he flips the table over and I took cover behind the couch.

???: "Leave me alone, kid!!" He says as he shoots at me.

Y/N: "Why would you want me to leave you alone?! I'm a kid and your a grown man! I should be scared of you!" He stops firing and I hear his footsteps coming up to me and I aim my gun at him.

???: "Oh shit! Okay, just take it easy!" He says, holding his hands up.

Y/N: "Drop it!" He Drops the gun. "Thanks." I then swiftly swung my pipe at his face and he falls to the floor. I threw away the blunt object and kicked his gun away. I then took hold of his jacket and dragged him to the garage. "Your coming with me!"

???: "Let me go, I'll...fuck you up!"

Search for the last Hope. (A Clementine x Male Reader short story). Where stories live. Discover now