Final chapter: Gotta Go...

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Narrators POV.

2 months later.

Bright stars are scattered across the night sky, looming over a early spring in the northern part of Wisconsin as our main hero's arrived in the area where the Mccaril ranch is. Where they must find A.J. Y/N rides further into the night until he smells something. Like, somethings burning. As he rides closer, he sees black smoke through the trees and a bright orange color, starts to appear through the woods. Y/N looks back at Clementine, who's resting on his back.

Y/N: "Clem?" She doesn't wake up. "Clem?" He says a bit louder as Clem wakes up and rubs her eye with one hand.

Clem: "What is it?"

Y/N: "Were almost there but...There's something wrong..."

Clem: "What's going on?" She says, sounding worried.

Y/N: "Don't know." They ride down a road that leads to the ranch and once they turn the corner, they see the entire place on fire.

Clem: "Oh my god..."

Y/N: "Hang in there, A.J. We're coming." Y/N then yells for the horse to go faster as they moved to the front entrance. Suddenly, their horse was shot and Y/N and Clem gets bucked off the horse. Clem fell behind the horse and Y/N fell in front of who shot their horse. Before he could shoot Y/N, Clem pops up from behind their dead horse and shoots the man in the neck. They both get up and moved towards the dying man as he try's to shoot them multiple times but his gun was empty. Y/N slaps his gun away and Clem puts the gun to his head.

Clem: "Where you keeping the children?!" He responded by giving them the middle finger. Clem gets pissed and was about to execute him but Y/N stops her.

Y/N: "He's already dead, Clem. Let's just go in and find him." They both move to the gates, which looked like they were blown off from an explosion. Then something from under the gate grabs Clementine's leg and Y/N pulls her away and stands in a protective way. When they see what grabbed her, they see a man half burned and dying.

???: "Oh hurts...everywhere! Please kill me..."

Y/N: "Were looking for a boy. About three years old. You tell us and I'll give you my word, I'll put you out."

???: "It all...hurts...Oh my god, kill me..." This guy is in too much pain. The teenagers then looked at each other.

Y/N: "I'll do it." He says, taking out his pistol. He aims it at the man's head and looks away.

???: "Thank you..." Y/N then executes him. He gets up and they moved down the big hallway with fire spreading and the smoke getting a little thicker. They then see what looks like a man and a woman running down the left side of a hallway.

???: "GO, RUN! ILL HOLD EM' OFF!" He shouts as the woman runs down the hallway and shoots at something down the hallway they came from. "COME GET ME, FUCKERS!" Then he turns to face Y/N and Clem. "Oh shit, stay back!!" He says as he shoots at them but they dodge out of the way, behind a crate. Suddenly, the man runs out of bullets and Clem pops out and shoots him in the shoulder. "AHHH, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!" He says as Clem runs up and hold the gun to his head.

Clem: "Were not messing around! Tell us where the children are!"

???: "Jesus Christ, Okay! Down that way!" He says as he points down to the hallway where the woman ran to. "There's a nursery. But I'm not gonna let you monsters take another one!" He says as he pulls out a knife but Clem stops him and shoots him in the face. They then move down the hallway to see a mustang in the door way. They go through a small gap between the car and the doorway and go to another door to where they can hear a woman.

Search for the last Hope. (A Clementine x Male Reader short story). Where stories live. Discover now