Schools out!

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Clem's POV.

Clem: "Who are those guys?" I Said to Y/N as we ducked down and crawled our way to the door to leave this classroom.

Y/N: "Don't know, don't care. We got what we needed. Let's get the hell outta here." He opens the door slowly and draws his pistol out the doorway. I follow him out the classroom and went down the left hallway, to avoid who ever those guys are at the staircase where we came up here. Suddenly, we hear footsteps coming from down the hall. So we quickly hid behind a old vending machine and waited for them to get in our line of sight to surprise them. They get into our view and Y/N shoots the first guy in the leg and I shot the third guy in the head. Y/N then try's to shoot the second guy but runs out of ammo for his pistol. So I took the guy out. "Shit! I've only got one round left!" He says as he switches from his pistol to his flamethrower. "Let's move." He says as I follow him down the hallway and see that the ceiling all torn apart.

Clem: "That looks like it could fall on us at any moment."

Y/N: "Well, lets just be quick then. I'll go first." He says as he crawls under the fallen ceiling. I was about to go under too but the ceiling started to fall down completely! "CLEM, GET BACK!!" He shouts as I dive out of the way as the ceiling collapsed completely and I coughed from the dust.

Clem: "Y/N, Are you okay?!" I shouted to him.

Y/N: "I'm fine! You?!"

Clem: "Yeah, I'm okay!"

Y/N: "Try And make your way back down to the main hall! I'll meet you there!"

Clem: "Okay! I love you!"

Y/N: "Love you too! Now go! Hurry!" He shouts as I hear more voices coming from behind me.

???: "They must be over here! Hurry up!"

Clem: "Oh shit!" I said to myself quietly as I draw my pistol.

Y/N's POV.

I look at the debris, blocking me off from Clem. I swear, if they kill her. Before I had more time to think, I hear gunshots coming from the other side of the debris. It sounds like Clementines gun. So that must mean she's fine. I need to find a way to get to the main hall downstairs. I carefully go down the dimly lit hallway with my flamethrower in hand and came across a classroom with a window the leads to the balcony of the second floor. That's when lights flashed through the window and I dodge out of the way as a bullet goes through the two windows. I stay down as I hear the men climb over the broken window on the other side. I wait for them to get closer and when they did, I popped out and shot them with my flamethrower. They scream in pain and flailed around and dropped dead. I then see the fiery tip of the flamethrower go out and I try to fire it again but nothing came out. Ran out of juice. So I threw it away. I then climbed through the two windows to the balcony before another guy grabbed me and started choking me.

???: "Got you now, you little fucker!" He said as he shakes me and chokes me harder. I acted quickly and kicked him very hard on the nuts and he holds his nuts. Before he could attack me again, I pulled the knife out of my boot and stabbed him right on the dome, killing him instantly. I gasped for air as I leaned onto the railing. I then hear cracking and before I had more time to think, the railing broke, sending me falling to the main hall and onto something sharp! I screech in pain as I look and see I fell onto a big metal rebar. As I lay there in pain, I hear a door open across the hall and it's Clementine! She gasped and runs to me and looked at my injury as I see the door in front of me, trying to get open by someone.

Clem: "What do we do?!"

Y/N: "Move..." I weakly say as I reached for my pistol.

Clem: "What?!"

Y/N: "MOVE!" I shout as I pushed her out of the way and as I thought, two men cane through the door. I acted quickly and shot one of them and Clem shot the other. I then took her hand and looked up at her. "Your gonna have to pull..." She nods nervously and takes my hand. "On three. One. Two. Three!" She then pulls me out of the rebar in my side as I screamd in pain again. "PULL!" I managed to get out of it and fell to the floor on my hands and knees. I look and see my blood poring out on the floor.

Clem: "Can you walk?!"

Y/N: "Yeah...I can...I can do it...Get to the horse!" I say holding My injury as I struggle to get up on my feet. I then slowly walk through the hallway to the way we came in, feeling my blood pouring out of my side.

Clem: "Come on, the doors just this way!" She said pointing to down the hall. My vision starts to go in and out as I lean myself against the wall. Clem then goes to me and puts my arm over her. "I'll help you." She helps me walk down the hall and we near the door that we came in at. "I swear to god, when we get out of here, your so doing the moonwalk for me!"

Y/N: *weekly chuckles* "In your dreams..." When we got to the door, I pushed them open and feel to the ground outside. I look over and see another man with our horse.

???: "What the fuck?!" He says as he try's to go for his gun but Clem shoots him in the head. She goes for the horse and I get up. She brings the horse over and I took a minute to get on the back of the horse. We then rode out of the school as I see snowflakes falling from the sky.

Later...narrator's POV.

The two teenagers make it out of Charlotte, with snow starting to pick up and Y/N starts to fade from his injury.

Clem: "We'll Find some shelter here soon, okay Y/N? Y/N?" She then hears a thud and looks back to see her boyfriend on the ground. "Shit!" She exclaimed as she gets off the horse and runs to his aid. "Y/N! Y/N, please get up! Don't do this to me, Please get up! Y/N?!"


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