I belived him...

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Y/N's POV.

Minutes later...

I tied up both men in the garage. Ones in a chair and the other is tied up to a radiator and I'm just punching the hell out of the guy tied to the radiator.

???: "What do you want??!!!" He says before I punch him a few more times. "What the he-." He try's to say before I punch him again. I then felt a sharp pain on my wound and I groan in pain as a result but I tough it out.

Y/N: "You Wait here. I'll be back for you..." I said, going over to the table and grabbing a knife, a map of the town we're in and another chair. I bring the chair to the guy that's tied up on a chair and sat down in front of him. "Now...the girl. Is she alive?"

???: "What girl? I don't know any girl."

Y/N: "The girl you kidnapped. Light skinned. About five feet tall...Oh, fuck this!" I Said as I stabbed the knife into his hand and he screams in pain.

???: "FUUCCCKK!!!"

Y/N: "Come on, focus. Right here. Right here." I Said, slapping his face to look at me. "Or I'll break your goddamn hand! I'm not gonna ask you again."

???: "...She's alive. She's Andy's new play thing!"

Y/N: "WHERE?!" I Said, twisting the blade, making scream even more.

???: "In the town!!! In the town!!!" I took the blade out of his hand and placed the handle in his mouth and held up the map in front of him.

Y/N: "Now, your gonna mark it on the map for me. And it better be the same spot your friend points too. Or you can kiss that hand goodbye, pal." He immediately draws a point on the map of the town. It's in the restaurant, in the shopping center of the township.

???: "It's right there! Go ask him, he'll verify it!" I go behind him and grab a rope that's under his chair. "I'm not lying! I'm telling you-." I then strangle him with the rope. He struggled a bit but I applied more force to break his neck! I push him to the ground and turn to his friend as I pulled out my gun.

???: "Fuck you! He gave you what you wanted to hear! I'm not telling you shit!"

Y/N: "That's Okay....I believed him..." I then aimed my gun at his head.

???: "NO, WAIT!"


Clem's POV.

I was awakened by the cage door opening and Andy and Nate both picked me off the ground.

Nate: "Waky, waky!" He says as they pick me up and try to bring me to the table but I struggled to fight back. They then picked my up by my arms and legs and slammed me on the table and pinned me to the table.

Andy: "I fucking warned you this would happen! But now look where that got you!" He says as he raised a big knife in the air to stab me. I acted quick and shouted.

Clem: "I was bitten! I was bitten!"

Andy: "Really?" He says in a sarcastic tone.

Clem: "I'm telling the truth! Roll up my sleeve!" They both looked at each other and Andy nods.

Andy: "Okay. I'll play along." He says, bringing the blade down in the table. He rolled up my sleeve and it showed my dog bite scar. Nate gets scared by this.

Nate: "Andy, What the fuck is that?!"

Andy: "She would've turned by then, it can't be real!"

Nate: "Looks pretty fucking real to me, Andy! I don't wanna be eating tainted meat tonight!" I then grabbed the knife next to me and stabbed Nate in the neck with it. I rolled off the table as Andy fires a few shots at me with his gun. I run to the door and took cover behind the wall next to it. As he reloaded his gun, I see my knife on a shelf and grabbed it. I then see a window open and I jumped out of it, to the blizzard howling in the wind. I get up and run down what looks like an alleyway but I couldn't really tell cause of the blizzard obstructing my view. I hear some shots behind me and I faintly hear Andy's voice as well.

Andy: "Where you going, Clementine?! This whole town is filled with my boys! You've got no where to run!" He shouts before he fires more shots at me. I go further into the alleyway and see a door that leads into a building. I go through the door and see that I'm in a back of a store.

Clem: "Where the fuck do I go now?" I say to myself. I then see another door that leads to the cashier desk. I go through the door carefully and see some men outside.

???: "Hey man, you sure she's been bit?!"

???: "No way, dude! She's lying! No one fights this hard to survive! Find her and kill her!" Then another man comes up to them as I hid behind the cashier desk.

???: "We've got a problem!"

???: "We know! We're trying to find her now!"

???: "I know already about the girl! Her boyfriend killed Roger and Henry!"

???: "Oh shit! Well, watch your asses and kill them both! I'm gonna check in this store!" He says, pointing to the store I'm in. Y/N's awake? Oh no...He enters the store and closes the door behind him. He then turns around and locks the door. Damn it! I then see a big hole in the wall. As he wasn't looking, I book it for the hole as he heard my footsteps and fired shots at me. I leaped out of the store and back outside as I see the men trying to look for me but couldn't cause of the blizzard. "Can't see shit out here!" I hear him say as I ran down the street. Cold and alone with snow up to my ankles. That's when I came up to a man made barricade from scrap. This must be the way out of town. I look over to my left and see a restaurant. I thought that this might be able to lead me around the other side of this barricade. So I run over to it and I ran through the front door. Inside there were plates shattered all over the floor in places and luckily no sign of any guys in here..yet. I made my way around the kitchen, so I could try and get out through the backdoor. I made it to the backdoor and as soon as I opened the door, Andy came in and grabbed my hand with my knife in it. We struggled for a bit, knocking over some candles that were lit up and started a small fire on a counter. I eventually get out of his grasp and took cover behind one of the counters as he fires shots at me. He laughed and said.

Andy: "You very persistent, Clementine. I'll give you that. But...You need to cover your tracks better." He turns and locks the backdoor with his keys. "These keys are your only way out." He then walks in my direction with his gun out as I move to the dining area of the restaurant. "I know Lee is still with you. I'll keep you alive a little longer while we wait for him to find you." I hid behind a dining table as he walks passed me. I get my knife and I sneaked up on him and stabbed him in the shoulder with it. We struggled some more before he throws me off him and I took cover behind the food buffet.

Andy: "Good job, kid. I guess I'll play it your way..." He says as he puts away his gun and grabs a clever on the buffet table. "You know, if you would just had come around like I hoped you would...I'd have let you live. Maybe even joined us. Guess good things never come true..."

Clem: "You creepy motherfucker!" I say quietly to myself. As I turned a corner, I look over the dinner tables I was hiding behind and I couldn't see him. Where did he go?! Suddenly, I hear the sounds of plates cracking, like someone's stepping on them. I swiftly turn around and stab him in the arm and he smacked my across my face and I fall to the floor. Andy then towers over me.

Andy: "Got ya." He says as he raised his cleaver up and was about to hit me with it before an oven explodes in the kitchen from the fire! The impact blown us both back and knocking us unconscious.

Search for the last Hope. (A Clementine x Male Reader short story). Where stories live. Discover now