Chapter 2

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"Hey, Pikachu! Stop freaking out, its fine!" Bakugo hit the freaking out blonde's head.
"I cant help but worry! What if he gets hurt!? What if they don't like him!? What if-" Bakugo had enough of him and slapped his hand over the blondes mouth.
"Calm down. Its just his first day of kindergarten! It's also a private school! He'll be fine!"
"What if they bully him!? What if he gets hurt!?"
Bakugo pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. He'd been at this with the blonde male for the last fifteen minutes.
"If you don't calm down, I'm taking him to school not you." He stated, removing his hand.
"WHAT!? Okay, okay, I get it, I'm overreacting, I'm just..scared, and worried, he's never been away from me like this." The blonde slowly calmed down and his muscles relaxed.
"Daddy? Unc'e Suki? Why are you yewing(yelling)?" A tired Kioshi rubbed his eye, dressed in his little uniform.
"Its nothing nugget, I was just overreacting, come here." The blonde crouched down and spread his arms. Kioshi wasted no time in hugging his dad.
"Hey guys, come on, Unless you want the gremlin to be late on his first day." Kiri stuck his head inside the cafe.
"Okay!" Denki handed his precious bundle of joy to Bakugo and followed him outside, briefly pausing to lock up the cafe with a sign: "I'll be back soon."
Denki tapped his foot nervously, stroking his sons purple with blonde highlights hair.
"Is okay daddy! I a big boy!" The small boy in his lap put his hands on the blonde's cheeks.
Denki sighed, He needed to relax.
"Alright alright, Daddy's okay nugget." He ruffled his boys hair.
"We're here!" Kiri parked his red sports car, and let the doors open automatically. Denki stepped out first, and set Kioshi down.
"Alright kiddo, just be careful okay? And if someone messes with you what do you do?" Bakugo crouched in front of him.
"I punch em in the throat!" The boy giggled, but Denki just looked horrified.
"Thats the spirit gremlin!" He ruffled the boy's hair and gestured for him to go.
Denki watched him run away, only to sprint back and wrap his arms around Denki's leg.
"Love you daddy!" And then he was gone, disappearing into the school.
Kaminari chewed on his lip nervously, he didn't enjoy being outside where he could be found easily.
"Hey, Kami, calm down, its okay. He can't find you here." Bakugo's surprisingly kind voice calmed him down.
"Y-Yeah, your right." He hugged Bakugo, who hugged him back.
"Hey! Thats my boyfriend! Don't you steal him from me!" Kiri yelled from the car.
Kaminari laughed and walked back to the car, freezing up as he caught a glimpse of familiar green hair.
His breathing quickened, he couldn't breathe. It was like someone was squeezing his lungs.
"Dunceface, You getting in or what- Dunceface? Kaminari!? KAMI!" Bakugo got out and wrapped his arms around the blonde who was in the middle of a panic attack. He started to calm down at the familiar feeling, the greenete he'd seen having disappeared.
"What the hell was that back there Kaminari? I thought you were past the panic attacks." Bakugo, Kirishima and Kaminari were sitting in one of the booths at the cafe.
"I-I...I thought i was too." Tears burnt his eyes, threatening to fall.
Bakugo's expression softened as he reached across the table and grabbed one of the blonde's hands.
"What triggered it this time?" Kiri asked gently.
"R-Really familiar g-g-green hair-r. One of S-Sh-Shi-Sh- his, friends had really s-similar green hair."
Kiri sighed, "Kams, Your safe here. He's not allowed on this part of town-"
Kaminari's head jerked up, "W-What do you mean hes not allowed?"
"I-I mean, um, He's too rich for this area! It'd damage his reputation..yeah.."
" i was ruining his reputation for being poor looking as well." The blonde sulked with his sugary coffee.
Bakugo glared at his red haired boyfriend and sighed,
"I'm sorry Pikachu, we have to go to work. Just, open the cafe, we'll be back in a couple hours."
When Kaminari felt like he'd sulked enough, which was only an extra thirty minutes after his friends left, he got up and turned the closed sign over so it said open and assumed his rightful spot behind the cash register.
He was reading when the door jingled, causing him to glance up, "Welcome to the Cafe, what can I get you-? Oh! Its you Mitoshi, The usual then?" The male who'd walked in was one of his regulars.
"Yep! And maybe a date?~" Something that Kaminari grew irritated with was the males constant asking to go on a date. He simply smiled at Mitoshi, "Sorry Mito, I'm working."
The blonde disappeared into the back to prepare the Sushi, and came back out with a plate of it, and a cup of green tea.
"Here ya go!" The blonde gave one of his best fake smiles, and set the food and drink down.
"Thank you cutie~ How about that date?" The brown haired male had a cheeky smile on his face causing the blonde to sigh.
"Mitoshi, I'm not interested in a relationship okay?"
The blonde walked away and went back to reading behind the cash register.
Kaminari lifted his cup of coffee up to his mouth as the door jingled again, he looked up, and dropped the cup, causing it to shatter on the counter.
"Did ya miss me?"

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