Chapter 5

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Doin summin new ;)
The purple male let out a breath of frustration. He couldn't find his sunflower, it'd been five years now, Joke thought she had seen the blonde, but the lead turned dry.
He leant back in his desk chair, he missed Denki, he missed waking up to his little ball of energy.
He got up and left the office, to visit with a very..special guest.
He entered the dimly lit room, where a a male waited, restrained in a chair.
His brown hair was matted with blood.
Shinso ripped the blindfold off the male.
"Where is he."
"I don't know~! He ran like the coward he is."
The males head snapped to the side as Shinso slapped him harshly.
"Where is he."
"I told you! I don't know! He just ran!"
Shinso broke one of the males fingers.
"Where is he."
Shinso's eye twitched, this was the man who'd drove off his sweet flower.
He huffed, blindfolding him again and leaving the room.
"Anything?" Monoma asked, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.
"No. He's got nothing. But, I still want him tortured to death." Shinso replied tiredly. He needed his coffee, it was too early for this.
"I bet we'll find something out soon Shinso. He can't hide forever." Monoma followed him as he walked, thats what his job was, to protect the purple male.
"I just..I want him Monoma, I NEED him!"
Kaminari just finished serving lunch rush hour when Kiri and Bakugo walked in.
"Hey! Room for two more?" Kiri smiled as Denki nodded and pointed to the booth that was always vacant, because he kept it reserved for his friends and himself.
Fifteen minutes later they were all sitting together, Kiri and Bakugo enjoying their food, while Denki read.
"Okay thats it, Whats with this love for reading? You used to hate it." Bakugo stated.
"Oh..well, I guess I got into it."
He glanced up as the door jingled,
"Duty calls." He chuckled and got up, walking over to the register.
"Hi! Welcome to the cafe, What can I get you miss?" He looked up at a woman, who was vaguely familiar to him. She had long midnight black hair, and black eyes.
Something clicked in her eyes, but she covered it up,
"Oh! Sorry handsome, I was just daydreaming about you~" She used her flirtatious manner to subdue her prey. Worked every time.
"Mhmm. Sorry, not interested, are you going to order something though?"
She was shocked, but his reaction only cemented it more. This was him, the blonde they'd been looking for, but what was he doing in Spider Bite territory? A rival gang?
"Oh, my mistake, Can I get just a simple cup of Chamomile tea?"
"Sure thing! Can I throw in a crepe too? Free of charge of course! Their just to die for, and one of my newer items."
The woman smiled and nodded, sitting down in one of the open booths. She kept her head down, eyeing the booth near her, which held Bakugo Katsuki and Kirishima Eijiro. One was a heir, the other was his bodyguard.
Kaminari approached her table with the cup of tea and one of his 'famous' crepes.
"Here ya go!" He gave her a warm smile before walking over to his friends.
The woman tensed, expecting the boy to get attacked.
"Hey, we're gonna go to the park later, Wanna come along? We can bring the gremlin with us."
She was shocked, Kaminari Denki, boyfriend of Shinso Hitoshi, heir to the yakuza, was being invited to the park, as if it was just a casual day.
"Oh! I don't know, I promised Kioshi I'd tell him more about his papa when he got home."
The woman raised a brow.
"Come on now Kams, You can tell him any other time about his crazy lunatic of a father, Come to the park with us, Midoriya and Todoroki will be there as well." Kiri gave him a smile, causing the male to flinch.
"Hes not crazy. You have no right to call Shinso that. It was me thats crazy!"
The blonde snapped, causing the woman to smile slightly, he'd grown somewhat of a backbone.
"Okay, Okay, We're sorry Kams, we'll be going now."
The blonde watched the two leave, he felt pissed, how dare they talk about him like that?
The woman stood up, leaving some money on the table and left the cafe.
Kaminari looked around, noticing there was no one around..and broke down in tears.
Midnight looked through the window at the boy, she felt bad for him, he must be so stressed, having apparently a kid, running a cafe, and obviously still wanting Shinso.

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