Time management (James)

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A/n: this one goes out to Elvingleaf she said she wanted forehead smooches and I just happen to have this in my drafts. I'm sorry I haven't published in a while.

"God where is he?" she thought. James was supposed to come home 2 hours ago. Now his dinner is cold. It was 10 at night and he still wasn't home. What if something bad happened to him? What if he got into an accident? Horrible thoughts swarmed her head as she frantically paced the lobby. What if- Her thought was cut short by sound of the door opening. Her head turned to see a tired James enter the house. She immediately ran to him and enveloped him in a warm hug. He tumbled back a bit before hugging her back. "Where were you? I was so worried when you didn't come home" She said, panic evident in her voice. "Sorry, love. Something came up and I needed to fix it." He relaxed into the embrace, rubbing her back. "it's fine. At least you're okay. That's what's important."

While James always found work important He always managed to prioritize her over it. He always found time to be with her and go on dates and such, how she loved him for that. Though she knew work was always important she couldn't help but feel weirdly envious of the attention he was giving. Sure, it was strange but she is after all only human, she too needed and even craved attention. So at times she found herself vying for his attention.

One particular day, James was working from home. He had been working since he woke up and because he always woke up before y/n that meant she didn't receive any attention from him. since he was forever a sweetheart he made breakfast for her. She started to get a bit antsy and decided that she would cook him some lunch. She finished putting together club sandwiches and placed them on a plate along with some chips as a side. She walked up the stairs and entered the study holding their lunch. "hey I brought lunch!" She exclaimed. He looked up and smiled at her which increased her need for attention. "thank you" He replied. she put one plate on the desk and the other on her lap as she sat down on the chair across from it. She quietly enjoyed her meal, while he still kept his focus on the papers in front of him. Once she was finished she put the plate on a side table and dusted her hands off. "James?" she said. "yes love?" He replied not taking his eyes off of the papers. "Why don't you eat first? I'm sure you're hungry" she said, looking at him intently. He finally looked at her and smiled. At this point he knew something was up, he just didn't know what. "I'll eat later. I really need to get these done." he replied, returning his focus on the papers. "sure thing" she took out her phone as well as her earphones and started watching videos, doing so she caught his attention. "don't you want to sit on the bed? i'm sure it's more comfortable" He said as he sneaked a glance at her. "It's not comfortable if you're not there" she said, maintaining her focus on her phone. Her response made him chuckle a bit. "God she is adorable"  he thought. He stared at her for a moment before sighing. He filed his papers and stood up. "come on. I'll watch with you." he said while walking towards her. "hmm? what about the papers? don't you need to finish them?" she asked taking off her earplugs. "hehehe well, you're more important than those" he answered, making her beam with joy. She smiled hugging him when he reached her. "thank you" she said as she buried her face in his chest. "Anything for you, my heart" he replied returning her embrace. He pulled away and looked down at her. "I'm sorry. I've been busy with work and I never get to spend time with you." He leaned down and kissed her forehead. His lips lingered for a moment. She pulled back and pecked him on the lips. "it's okay, I understand. I just miss you is all." She replied..............................."eep!" she squeaked as James ducked down and carried her bridal style. He carried her to their room and placed her on the bed. They watched movies and she practically suffocated him with how tight she cuddled. He laughed at how wonderfully cute she was being. Never again will he deny her the time and affection she longed for. The end.

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