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Halloween was rolling around and you know what that means! COSTUMES!! Y/n loved dressing up in costumes. This year is special since she won't be doing it alone anymore, she had Matthew. She already planned out her costume and ordered it in advance.  She didn't know what Matthew would go as but she knew he would look amazing in anything. 

"Matthew! It's time you dress up!" She shouted down stairs. He quickly appeared on the steps and rushed to get dressed. He was the first to go down so he got everything ready. She looked in the mirror one last time before going down. She entered the kitchen with a skip in her step. "Sooo What do you think?" She asked, grinning from ear to ear. Matthew turned around, a blush painted on his cheeks as he stared at y/n unable to look away. "uh..I..uh.." He couldn't utter a single word as sweat started to build up inside his clothes. She giggled and stepped closer to him. She looked him up and down. "Ooooh Nice wizard costume! You look so adorable" She pinched his cheek and kissed his nose. He shook his head and smiled at her, trying to control himself. "You look even more adorable, little kitty cat!" He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in for a sweet kiss, tempted to deepen said kiss. He pulled away before that could happen though. "Come on! We don't want to miss all the good candy!" She shouted dragging him outside.

-Time skip-

When they returned home he could barely control himself. He was sweating and breathing hard. Y/n Placed her basket of candy on the table and noticed Matthew. "What's wrong, gummy bear?" she asked dabbing his face with her handkerchief. That's it, he couldn't take it anymore. He grasped her wrist and pinned her to a wall. "M-matthew?" She let out a gasp as his eyes became rimmed with gold. "tut tut, That's not my name, kitten~" His voice sent fear and excitement down her spine. She didn't know what to do, she's never seen him like this. "I-I" She didn't know how to respond, she has never done this sort of thing before. He moved to whisper in her ear. "hehehe don't you know my name?" he smirked before biting her earlobe making her whimper. "Come on now. Cat got your tongue?" He chuckled once more before seeing her surprised expression making him pull back. "I-I'm sorry" He let go of her wrist and took a step back. She took a step toward him and cupped his cheek. "It's okay. I was just shocked, I've never seen you like that before" She offered him a small smile which he gladly returned. "I know. It's just you were wearing a cat costume and I...I guess I lost it." He replied nuzzling into her palm. "It's alright." She hugged him and petted his head. "I love you, Zecaeru" she whispered into his ear. "I love you too, buttercup." She smiled a bit at the pet name before she pulled away and her smile widened. "You know, I kind of liked seeing that other side of you." She said making him laugh a bit. "Did you now?~" he half mocked. She burst out laughing. she kissed him lovingly. "So what is your name?" She asked curiously. "Would you like to find out?~" He smirked at her. She contemplated for a moment before returning his smirk. "Maybe~" she heard him growl lightly. "Don't play games with me, kitten~"

A/n: you're gonna hate me for stopping it there but I don't write full smut. This is my limit, I'm sorry. And maya this is not what you requested. It just so happens that I had this idea.

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