「004」 Wants and Needs

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taehyung is pregnant, a five months old pregnant to be exact and the father is jeongguk. it all started when the two met at the cafe and at the same time, they’re mates.

they’re happily talking that time, knowing each other more and after all eight years courtship of the two, they ended up getting married and make love after their wedding.

which taehyung ends up vomiting, getting dizzy, and would have mood swings every second.

but though besides all of that, nothing would ever change the fact that jeongguk is in love with his husband.

because when they first met, jeongguk saw taehyung, and immediately fell in love and taehyung smiled because he knew.

not because they’re mates but because they are them, they are who they are.

taehyung was currently walking towards jeongguk whose sound asleep while he held his tummy.  ❝jeonggukieeee❞ taehyung whined and wiggled the alpha’s arms to wake him up.

the raven-haired immediately shot his eyes open as to what his omega would ask him to do.

❝i want to eat lettuce today with nutella... can you please get some for me while i take a shower?❞ taehyung asked with a pleading eyes.

❝yes love but wouldn’t you have a stomachache because of that?❞ the alpha questioned.

❝i just want to eat that today so go get it❞ taehyung frowned, now his mood swings again.

jeongguk left the room and taehyung proceeded to the bathroom taking a quick shower then dried himself putting the white robe on.

❝here it is love❞ jeongguk placed the plate on the nightstand and taehyung immediately whined.

❝why? what’s the problem?❞ the alpha worriedly ask and cupped his omega’s cheeks.

❝i don’t wanna eat it now! i wan’ steak!❞ taehyung pouted and crossed his arms.

❝damn pregnant people these days❞ jeongguk whispered to himself but it didn’t go unheard to taehyung.

❝what did you say?!❞ the brunette shouted, widening his eyes.

❝nothing love— now let’s go downstairs, i’ll prepare the food❞

❝i don’t wanna eat steak... i want ice cream❞


❝language jeon❞

❝just wait here okay... just wait❞

jeongguk left the room and took his phone out from his pocket and called his hyungs.

❝jin-hyung, cook me some steak please. hoseok-hyung, buy me lots of ice cream with different flavors. namjoon-hyung, buy me tons of chocolates. taehyung’s being a whiny little witch again... and don’t worry i’ll pay you when you come here❞ jeongguk ended the call and put his phone back.

❝jeon jeongguk i heard that!❞ taehyung yelled causing the younger to widen his eyes.

❝i’m not a witch! i’m so beautiful to make you compare me with a witch!❞ he complained.

jeongguk just stand there listening to his husband/wife’s complaints about him being a beautiful. oh how the alpha loves his omega loving himself.

magical time skip when jeongguk already paid his hyungs money and taehyung whose happily sitting on the floor eating the steak with an ice cream on top.

❝jeonggukie, you should try it... it is so delicious❞ taehyung said as he walked towards jeongguk.

❝i know you’re hungry so eat it, i’m full❞ jeongguk declined causing the brunette to frown.

❝okay okay, i’ll eat it❞ jeongguk shoved the fork inside his mouth and started chomping the food.

❝is it good?❞ taehyung asked with a sparkle on his eyes.

jeongguk nodded in response as he faked a smile with his eyed twitching of the disgusting taste.

❝i know it was good, now continue to eat❞ taehyung shoved another to jeongguk’s mouth while it was still full because the alpha didn’t swallow it.

the raven-haired immediately runs to the bathroom and started puking everything he ate.

❝damn jeon jeongguk, are you pregnant too?!❞

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