「010」 Heather Pt. 1

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-in which taehyung loves his best friend who likes someone else.


jeon jeongguk, the name of my best friend who's also my first love.

no, we aren't lovers, i just have a crush on him but didn't confess it because i don't want to take a risk of our friendship. also, i had to mention that he is straight. perhaps, he had a girlfriend whom he got played.

he's just blinded of love that he didn't see me loving him... not just a friend but as a man.

but, he didn't like me.

how did i know?

well, i sorta almost confessed my real feelings towards him but i was taken aback when he told me some words which actually hurt me a lot.

today is our first day of school as college students. jeongguk is picking me up. hence, he always does that since he loves to give me a ride just a friend thingy.

i was grabbing my bag when i heard a doorbell, then ran downstairs and opened the door revealing a handsome young man whom i indeed love so much.

❝good morning.❞ he greeted and smiled widely.

oh, how i wish i'm the only one who can see that smile of his.

❝good morning.❞ i smiled back as he motioned me to give my bag to him, and i did. he carried it and opened the car's door for me. he is such a gentleman making him everyone's ideal man- and that includes me too.

❝thank you.❞ i said and sat on the seat, putting on the seatbelt as he slammed the door. i patiently waited for him to enter the car and played some calming song which is my favourite.

i mean, it is not that calming but it is so meaningful especially when you have someone by your side and somehow you got lots of problem then he's always by your side no matter what happen and will always choose you no matter what choices there are.

❝you still have the most beautiful and soothing voice, hyung.❞ jeongguk complimented and showed him a dulcet smile that i have.

❝smile more hyung, you look pretty with that plastered on your face.❞

❝stop that lines jeon, just drive. we're getting late by half an hour.❞ i slapped his shoulder lightly and looked outside the window, still smiling.

jeongguk drove to the university while i kept on looking in the window as i observed the scenery.

as we arrived to the university, me and jeongguk walked together and proceeded to the principal's office. and oh, by the way, he is still carrying my bag.

after that, jeongguk had celebrated mentally to himself that he is happy because we're both classmates. though, we still have to separate because of the different courses that we took.

it was already lunch time and we eat together, some students thought that we're a couple but jeongguk said we aren't.

indeed, we don't have any label nor we aren't even in a relationship but still i felt sad when he just told them that we're just best friends not lovers.


❝are you two like lovers? cause damn you looked good together❞

❝no, HAHAHAHA. we're just friends actually❞

❝oh my bad, i'm sorry for that. i thought you to were... ❞

❝it's okay❞

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