「016」 Wedding and Make Love

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-in which jeongguk and taehyung are getting married and make love after.

a special chapter for everyone\(^O^)/

jeongguk and taehyung had been waiting this day. today is the day that they'll both get married, today is the day that taehyung would become a jeon.

they've been lovers for eight years, and that eight years were just an innocent love. there's no fucking happened because they wanted their first time to be so special.

and of course, thanks to jeongguk's patience, he managed to accomplish the years which taehyung had given him a boner.

now that they're getting married, it won't be a problem anymore as they will have a special honeymoon later.

the instrumental music played as it was already the bride (taehyung) who'll walk down the aisle to the altar while the groom (jeongguk) was already standing there, waiting for him.

taehyung started singing the song with his beautiful enchanting deep soothing voice. it was indeed music to jeongguk's ears as it was the reason why he first fell in love with him.

back at the time when they've met in a bar where jeongguk always visit, and one day when fate wants them to meet, taehyung was there with his bandmates as they had a gig there.

at first, jeongguk ignored the band but when the singer started singing, he stopped drinking and looked at who's the owner of the enchanting deep voice.

the younger stared at the older with full of admiration, clearly to be seen in his eyes. he observed every bit of the singer's beauty, from its forehead till those plump kissable lips.

he was mesmerized by the older's charismatic features causing him to gain some courage and asked the singer his name.

some of jeongguk's friends were shocked as the younger just kept on staring at the singer, so they decided to make him flinch because the song was already finished.

it was jeongguk's first time that he felt interested in someone. he felt his heart beating so fast as his friends just pushed him towards the singer.

❝h-hey❞ jeongguk stuttered not knowing what to say while he rubbed his nape and smiled sheepishly, he swore he'll kill his friends later.

❝oh, hi❞ the singer greeted and showed his infamous boxy smile which made jeongguk's heart explode because of the singer's cuteness.

❝uhm... i'm sorry about that, my friends just pushed me to you so yeah i guess that's it❞ jeongguk was really having a hard time having a topic though he just wanted the singer's name.

❝it's fine actually, you're friends are supportive though. i can see them cheering for you❞ the singer said as he looked at the back of jeongguk.

❝fuck, this is so awkward❞ jeongguk mentally cursed and looked away at the singer as he felt embarrassed about his friends.

like literally, he can hear his friends saying 'jeongguk, ask his number right away. don't be shy, you stupid'.

❝i'm taehyung❞ the singer leaned his hand to the younger and smiled widely.

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