「025」 Right Love, Wrong Time

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-i'm so lazy to put the plot so yeah.

taehyung and jeongguk have been together for years now as they've been together since highschool. they are each other's first love. 'twas the great feeling for having each other, really.

but, they have to let go each other.

taehyung was currently waiting for jeongguk, sitting on the bench while looking at the stars. he knew that this would be painful for both of them but it's the best.

for jeongguk whose leaving seoul because he have to study somewhere far, and taehyung cannot take the years for how much long jeongguk will spend there.

he was on edge in crying but stopped when a familiar voice spoke and a jacket was placed to his shoulder- 'twas jeongguk.

❝tae-baby, what happened? why do you want to meet here? and why are you crying?❞ the worried tone of jeongguk's voice was clearly to be heard by taehyung.

oh how much he wanted to stay on jeongguk's side forever yet he had no choice. perhaps, it's the best thing he could do.

imagine on a situation where your lover is leaving you (i know you don't have a lover so just imagine having one). you knew that it'll be hard that you and your lover will have to separate.

you knew that you have to let him go to let him focus on his studies- on both of your studies.

❝j-jeongguk, i-i'm sorry but... we have to b-break up❞ taehyung mumbled, clutching the hem of his shirt.

❝w-why? t-taehyung, i c-can't and i w-won't❞ jeongguk questioned, he was, too in edge of crying but he doesn't want to show his weak side towards the other in this time like this.

❝i-it's for the best, g-ggukie. promise me to achieve your dreams while you're away. p-promise me to r-reach your d-dreams- our dreams. even when it's not me you're with while doing those❞ taehyung sobbed.

he's afraid to look in jeongguk's eyes, afraid of what his eyes' reaction would be. he knew he's also hurting inside.

they are each others first love, and first love are really the worst and most painful heartbreak that you'll experience.

❝t-taehyung, look at me❞ jeongguk cupped the other's cheeks, causing him to face the beautifully crying face of his lover.

❝i can't just l-let go... e-especially t-that- i love you. remember our promises? we s-sealed that w-with a k-kiss, and t-those p-promises are m-meant to be f-forever, r-right? p-please t-taehyung tell me that t-this is s-some kind of j-joke❞

❝i'm sorry that i wouldn't be able to fulfill our promise to be with each other forever. let's just achieve our dreams, okay?❞

❝t-taehyung, i r-really can't❞

❝shhh g-ggukie, i know you'll be well without me, reaching your dreams but ggukie... i promise that one day if i'll become a doctor and you'll become a lawyer, we'd meet again❞

❝you literally promised me that we'd be together forever and it broke then you promised again... does that meant it would also be called broken promise?❞

❝no, this is real now-❞

❝but, i thought the promise that we'd be together forever is real❞

❝g-ggukie, i know. but it is the best, i hope you understand❞

❝i u-understand, but t-taehyung... i just want you to know that whatever whenever wherever, i will always love you❞

❝i love you, too❞

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