「007」 Drunk on Live

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-in which jeongguk is live on vlive, however, he is drunk that time so he blabbers stupid things that made the army's laugh a little.

❝good evening army!❞ jeongguk shouted, thinking that his fans won't hear him. it is as he is goddamn drunk and is oblivious to what is he doing.

❝i have a wine, wanna drink it with me?❞ he took the wine out and showed it in front of the camera. he then grabbed the glass of the wine and started pouring it.

❝woaaahh look at the color, it is blue❞ jeongguk said and read the comments.

minmin. it is red for fuck's sake.
yanziee. jeongguk, you're drunk.
marieki. go and have an eye checking jeongguk!

❝it is not red, it is blue❞ jeongguk keeps on saying and arguing to them that the wine's color is blue though it is red.

❝gonna taste it now❞ jeongguk drank the wine as if it is his banana milk.

❝it is so delicious ami but you know what's delicious? it is taehyung-ssi❞ jeongguk chuckled not even knowing what he's been blabbering about.

jinnie. what did he just say?
SugaR. oh god.
jolly_min. i'm-
marieki. fuckity fuck fuck what?!

jeongguk read the comment section as the armys are getting wild at what he just said.

❝yeah, i have been tasting taehyung-hyung lately. he is just delicious ami❞ jeongguk closed his eyes as he imagined taehyung how he moaned when jeongguk ate and lick his hole.

yanziee. damn, jeongguk we want to see how you eat tae!
SugaR. he literally closed his eyes.
minmin. i agree with yanziee.

❝it's english time! ami, i have an apple❞ he grabbed the apple and showed it to the camera.

yunassissy. what will you do to that?

❝what will i do to the apple?- i will eat it of course hahahaha❞ jeongguk answered sarcastically.

❝night apple...❞ he stated as he observed the apple, turning it around. ❝...you know ami, night apple is poison apple but it is okay because i am JK❞ jeongguk said closing his eyes as he ate the apple causing the armys to laugh because they didn't understand what jeongguk said about the apple.

jinnie. bitch whut?-
jolly_min. bruh-
marieki. he is indeed so drunk.

❝see, i am JK❞

❝jeongguk❞ a sudden voice was heard of the live causing the fans to ask who is it.

yanziee. sniffs* i smell something
minmin. me too, eherm 👀👀👀
jolly_min. is it your poo?

❝taehyungie~❞ jeongguk whined and motioned taehyung to sit on his lap. now, the comment section are getting some wild thoughts.

SugaR. oh please do it now.
marieki. there's something spicy happening in the live oof, gotta update this shit to my hardcore stan sister.
minmin. free live porn, please!
yunassissy. i'm only 10! please don't!

❝ami, do you wanna see how we do it?❞ jeongguk questioned as a smug smile was plastered on his face.

yanziee. please do.
jolly_min. uhm guys, there is a ten-year-old watching the live right now.
SugaR. we don't care, as long as we get to see how they do it.
jolly_min. oh god.

jeongguk started kissing taehyung's neck, sucking it earning a moaning taehyung. the younger then palmed taehyung's lower part, making some sort of friction.

❝ngh~ ah~ k-kookie~❞

yanziee. my other hand is busy so i have to type this on one hand only.
minmin. omoo same gurl.
jinnie. fuck him raw jeongguk.

jeongguk aggressively ripped taehyung's shirt and sucked the other's nipples harshly, making it go swollen and red. he twirled his tongue around the nipples then licked it as something just came out of it, milk.

❝mhmm~ ah~❞

the younger then trailed his tongue to the older's skin and sucking it, making such bruises, and kissed its shoulder.

the two boys were now naked and the fans were busy grabbing their headphones, connecting it to their phone, and focused on the video. they even saw jeongguk's dick that made them say;❝damn, that's big

jeongguk entered his big, thick cock inside taehyung's rosy tight hole, indeed that there's no prep was done since the younger wants to fuck him raw.

taehyung screamed his lungs out as the raven-haired was pounding on him senselessly, oh how much he loves it.

❝ah! ugh! f-faster mhmm~ ah!❞

jeongguk grips on taehyung's hair and lift the other's one leg and abused his hole in different angles, causing him to find the older's prostate.

❝the-there~ mhmm~ ah jeongguk!~❞

taehyung again screamed as a white sticky liquid came out from his manhood and jeongguk may have licked it but keeps on thrusting as he was chasing his orgasm.

he pounded deeper and harder causing the older's hole to bleed and his legs were now trembling, more likely to give up but the younger held it so he would prevent taehyung from falling.

the blonde's been crying because of overstimulation and the younger just keeps on thrusting and thrusting until the older passed out.

❝baby, wake up. we're not done yet❞ he shrugged taehyung making the older yawn and cried again as jeongguk started moving.

❝ah! jeongguk! mhmm~! s-stop~ ah! it h-hurts! ugh! shit~!❞

skin slapping was heard in their room as jeongguk mercilessly abused the other's hole. jeongguk came for the fourth time while taehyung was tenth.

the raven-haired carried him to his bed and cleaned taehyung by grabbing a basin with lukewarm water and a face towel, soaking it, and wiped the older's body.

after that, he dressed the blonde in his shirt from his closet and puts some underwear on the other. he then kissed taehyung's forehead and hovered a blanket over him.

jeongguk approached the camera and smiled smugly.

❝that was the free live porn ami!!❞ jeongguk turned the live off and proceeded to his bed, cuddling to his lover whose currently sleeping beautifully, and stared at him with fondness in his eyes.

yunassissy. my innocence.

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