「036」 Punishment

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jeongguk was planning on going to the club later, his friend got him invited and taehyung, his lover, wanted to go with him. at first jeongguk said "no" to the other's request but because of his friend, he was forced to bring taehyung.

❝ggukie, please~ can i come with you? can i?❞ taehyung begged as he wrapped his arms to jeongguk's neck while looking at him in his eyes, ah, jeongguk could never say "no" to that cute doe eyes.

the dark-haired male sighed and nodded with a small ❝okay.❞ taehyung squealed and pecked jeongguk's cheeks then ran upstairs to change his clothes, jeongguk on the other hand, frowned because he wants kisses more.

jeongguk waited for taehyung for more than half an hour, thank god he is that patient to wait for his lover. as soon as taehyung stepped out from their room, jeongguk's smile broke. he closed his eyes and sighs, ❝what do you think you're wearing?❞

❝uh- clothes for partying?❞ taehyung answered nervously, the dark-haired male shook his head and pulled taehyung back to their room. ❝you will never be wearing that in front of my friends❞ he said before leaving to get taehyung other clothes.

❝here wear this❞ jeongguk said, giving taehyung a long pants, t-shirt, mask, and five jacket. ❝what the? but ggukie, we're going to the club, do you want me to look like a human roll?❞ taehyung protested, crossing his arms.

❝just wear these❞ ❝but ggukie-❞ ❝there's no buts kim taehyung, now wear these or else we aren't going to the club❞ jeongguk said, he waited for taehyung to get the clothes but instead, taehyung approached him and again wrapped his arms to his neck.

❝ggukie~ please let me wear this one❞ ❝but, baby there's a lot of perverts inside the club and they might hit on you then look at what i'm supposed the only one to see❞ jeongguk said, snaking his hands to taehyung's waist.

❝i promise i won't talk to them and i'll stick by your side when we're there so please ggukie, pretty please❞ ❝baby, i clearly said no❞ ❝okay fine, i won't let you kiss me for a week when you won't let me wear this❞

jeongguk pinched his bridge nose as he closed his eyes, thinking. he wants kisses, yes, he can't even live without taehyung's lips are on his but taehyung wearing an outfit that's revealing? nah-uh, that's a big no no for him.

❝so, you won't let me? then, fine no kisses❞ taehyung huffed, turning around, avoiding jeongguk. ❝babe, i'm sorry. okay, you can wear that but please stay by my side always, i don't want someone to touch you there since some of those people are bastards❞ jeongguk said, back hugging taehyung while planting kisses on its shoulders.

taehyung smiled and faced jeongguk, ❝thank you!❞ he exclaimed, cupping jeongguk's cheeks and peck its nose. ❝no, babe. i want it here❞ the dark-haired male puckered his lips while doing sounds of smooching.

taehyung giggled and kissed jeongguk's lips, it was just a normal kiss at first but the longer they kiss, the more they got turned on. jeongguk slide his hands to the other's butt and slapped it lightly then squeezing it tightly.

the brunette-haired male moaned a little and stopped the kiss, ❝w-we should really get going, we might end up doing something❞ he said. jeongguk pouted and nodded, he badly wants taehyung right now.

the two boys proceeded to jeongguk's car and drove to the said club. the trip was silent, taehyung is imagining how the club looked since he haven't went to a club before. he was excited, like really excited that he couldn't even stop himself from smiling.

as they arrived, jeongguk and taehyung gets out of the car and walked together to the club. the speaker blasted out a loud music. the brunette-haired male scrunched his nose when he smelled the alcohol and sweats of the people. taehyung grips to jeongguk's shirt backside and followed him.

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