「022」 Chickened Out Pt. 2

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-the two boys had finally chickened out after years of being together, however does the deal really end by that?

it has been eight years of taehyung and jeongguk being together. sometimes they would actually flirt but their mind would jump to the conclusion of; he was just flirting to make me chicken out.

they've been oblivious about what really their life now is. they are already married with two kids that they adopted.

sometimes, they felt like really admitting their actual feelings but they are afraid that one of them might just laugh and tease that he is gay.

so, they just keep in silent.

but jeongguk couldn't take it anymore, sure he loves taehyung but what if he chickened out then they won't be together as for the deal had said, they will live together unless one of them would chicken out.

and that reason doesn't matter to him anymore, today, he'll chicken out and confess his feelings to taehyung then start a new life with him, together with their kids. that's how jeongguk love taehyung of course, he really love him dearly.

since the very first day they met, he already like him. however, he just did something to taehyung that made the other fume in anger at him. and that's the reason why they became enemies.

taehyung and his kids are wearing a decent clothes as they are also part of jeongguk's plan.

it was like he was using the kids to make taehyung love him as he told the kids to beg and show their charms if their mommy would say no.

it's already evening, him and the kids are already on their place while waiting for taehyung to come home as he was on his work.

it was really a special even that he even cooked for them even though he is no pro. there's a lots of foods displayed on the table and a wine then juices for the kids.

the two siblings giggled happily as they are really excited of their mommy's reaction, twas this moment will be the most happiest on their lives.

a sound of a horn from a car was heard outside, signalling them that taehyung was already outside their house.

jeongguk took a deep breath and opened the door for taehyung which made the latter shock a little, perhaps it was the first time that jeongguk really prepared this as he noticed how he dressed.

❝is there something that i'm probably missing?❞ taehyung asked, while looking for the kids.

❝no, but perhaps can i have my kiss now?❞ jeongguk requested, taehyung flustered at how blunt the other was.

❝bro, what?❞

again with that word, taehyung uses bro indicating jeongguk to stop the teasing of his though somehow he loves what reaction would jeongguk be if he called him that.

❝really? bro? we're married tae❞ the raven-haired scoffed, crossing his arms.

❝oh, i'm sorry honey❞ taehyung mocked, playfully pecking jeongguk's cheeks.

❝do that again, but in here❞ the raven-haired pointed at his lips, puckering it.

❝shut the fuck up will you? your gay side is showing... wait? you gay?❞ taehyung widened his eyed, tilting his head on the side waiting for jeongguk's response to be yes.

❝let's just proceed to the dining room, shall we?❞ jeongguk said, grabbing taehyung's wrist.

once they stepped the room, taehyung's eyes wandered as he was amused about the foods on the table. it looks delicious, he thought.

❝today is our fourth year being married, taehyung❞ jeongguk spoked. (i forgot the story so just go with the flow)

❝really? i forgot, i'm sorry❞ the latter apologized, kissing their kids foreheads, greeting them with a smile on his face.

❝it's fine actually, however, i just wanted to tell you something❞


❝uh- just promise me that you won't freak out okay? or don't change your behavior around me when i would say this because taehyung damn this shit-❞

❝hey, honey, calm down. now tell me what's bothering you❞

❝taehyung, you know you are already my husband right? and please listen to me... taehyung, i think i'm gay for you and today i will chicken out as i already lose this game. however, taehyung i want you to know that let's fix this things and start a new life with our kids. i love you, taehyung more than you ever know❞

the blonde was left speechless, widening his eyes as he shed into tears, hugging jeongguk so tight.

❝you're so s-stupid, idiot and d-dumb! i l-love you, too❞ taehyung stuttered, blushing madly while their kids watch them in awe, giving the blonde the bouquet of flowers that jeongguk told them to gave him.

❝so taehyung, will you spend your life with me and our children again? with a real feelings this time, no game intended?❞

❝yes, jeongguk, yes!❞

jeongguk pressed his lips against taehyung's soft one, moving their heads as they savored the moment of that very sweet sensational kiss.

thanks for the children who immediately closed their eyes when their mommy and daddy started sucking each other's facesツ

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