「024」 Brother's Obsession

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-taehyung and jeongguk are siblings, yepey! and they went like boom boom and bang bang! incest!

a twelve years old, taehyung and a five years old, jeongguk is waiting for their parents to arrive home. they had went to a business trip for two weeks and the two siblings already missed the two.

the two kids patiently sat on the couch while watching some cartoons that they asked to their maid. indeed, they are rich as their parents are hardworking.

however, for the past hour, there's no sign of the door bell ringing so they grew worried as jeongguk was already crying.

❝shhh jeonggukie, don't cry. mama and papa will come home later. we'll just wait, okay?❞ taehyung hugged his brother and drew circles on the other's back.

❝h-hyungie, i want to see m-mama and p-papa❞ jeongguk sobbed and sniffed out from the older's clothes.

❝don't cry, hyungie's here❞ taehyung combed jeongguk's hair using his fingers and wiped its tears, including the sweats from his forehead.

the two siblings are oblivious that their parents are already in the hospital, fighting for their lives as many blood was lost to them.

the cause of death was a car accident, it was just so sudden. in fact, that their parents didn't noticed that the driver from the truck that crashed to them was drunk.

the butlers and maids don't have anything to do but to say the truth to the waiting two little brothers. it pained them as the kids are just too young to live without a parent.

so, they have decided to take care of them more. the maids and butlers will act like a mother and father figure to them, as they don't want the kids to be orphaned.

❝sir taehyung and sir jeongguk❞ one of the maids called while approaching the two with full of sadness of her eyes.

❝your parents are in the hospital right now and unfortunately they p-passed a-away, i'm sorry sir❞ the maid said.

after the two siblings heard that, they immediately shed into tears and hugged each other while sobbing very hard. jeongguk clutched taehyung's shirt as he cannot bear the pain.

❝shhh j-jeonggukie, d-don't cry. hyungie, will be taking care of you from now on❞ taehyung said, crying and kissed jeongguk's forehead.

meanwhile, the maids and butlers also cried as they watched the two brothers, comforting each other while crying. it pained them too.

after that day, taehyung made sure that he will be a good parent to jeongguk. he will support him, love him and care for him, he promised it to his late mother and father.

despite of taehyung's young age, he inherit the position to be the ceo of their parent's company.


five years had been passed, jeongguk is ten while taehyung is seventeen. the older made sure that his brother will attend to school as a fourth grader, and for taehyung he is already a senior high school student.

taehyung became really beautiful, actually. he has this body which is indeed feminine that the girls wanted to have. his doe eyes, his pointy little nose, his plump kissable lips, and his pinky cheeks was just too perfect.

he had became the center of the attention to some boys and girls to his school, everyone wanted to be his boyfriend or girlfriend.

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