Chapter 17

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"He ran again..." Izzy walked into Camille's house and dropped her bag on the floor before sliding down on the couch. Alec, who was reading, had to put away his book, when his sister placed her legs over his, so she could lie down.

"tough day?"

"yeah, you can say that. Sam didn't show up for school... again... and when I contacted his foster parents they said he had run of... again. The cops are looking."

It had been two months since Sam was taking into social services, and he had already gone through 4 foster homes. Alec had talked to him each time he came back. Asking him why he ran, and he had said the same every single time. The foster parents treated him like a child and they didn't really care about him.

"I'll call him..." Alec moved his sister's feet of him, as he got up and grabbed his phone. On his way outside to call, he swung by Magnus that's was sitting in the office, doing some work. Magnus had almost moved in, so much time did he spend here. Not that Alec minded. It meant he had Magnus with him every night. He only wished that those lazy contractors would get the job done on the pool house. He wouldn't mind a little more privacy. But they were staling. No doubt about. Milking the rich girl for Money.

"Sam ran again." Alec leaned down and kissed his boyfriend on the forehead. It was clear his mind was deep in his work, so it took a couple of seconds before he understood what Alec had said.

"What?" Magnus put down his papers. "again? Damnit... he can't keep running away."

"I know. I'm calling him know. But I think we should consider helping him in some other way...?"

"what do you have in mind?"

Alec shrugged.

"nothing in particular." It was a flat out lie. He had one single thing on his mind when it came to Sam. He wanted to be his guardian... but he hadn't quite figured out how to tell Magnus. Everything was going so well between them, and taking in a teenager could jeopardize that. "I just think we could try to come up with an idea, and talk about it later?" His hope was that Magnus would have the same idea.

"sure. Lets do that. Tell the kid to come over here for dinner. Maybe we can talk some sense into him if we team up. I'll call the cops and tell them where he is, if you get a hold on him."

"sounds good."

Alec kissed Magnus on the lips before going outside. Staring at the workers who did actually nothing in the pool house, Alec called Sam's phone. It went straight to voicemail.

"Sam, call me when you get this. We need to talk about this..."

Hanging up, Alec made his way over to the workers.

"hey, don't you think you should speed things up a little?"

A guy that was a little to round for Alec's taste approached him. Puffing his chest up on the way

"what? Are you going to tell me how to do my work? Aren't you just a freaking driver? What do you know...?"

The crew began laughing and Alec scowled at them.

"I know, that you are still using the wrong kind of poles. They wo'nt be able to support the roof in the long holt. But I guess that's your plan? So she has to call you back again. Well, that's not gonna happen. Fix your shit, or I'll fix it for you!"

Alec walked away, feeling slightly insecure. He wasn't really sure how Camille would take his little outburst to the crew, but he couldn't stand watching them screw up the home he and Magnus would have to settle for in a while. And he had always loved building things. When he was younger he had build a treehouse for himself and a playhouse for Izzy. And not that crappy kind. No it was sturdy and looked quite good. His dad had been so proud and said he was a natural. Encouraged him to be a carpenter, but he wanted to be in the same business as his father. Although that didn't mean he hadn't built things since. He had helped his father all around the house for years.

When he reached the front porch, Camille was watching him. Arms crossed.

"I'm sorry. They are slacking and it annoys me. But I am sorry. I shouldn't have said interfered."

"don't worry." Camille smiled. "I was just busting your chops." She padded his back. "lighten up. Besides, I like that you care so much about... well everything. So, thank you Alec."

"you're welcome." He blushed slightly as he walked inside. He still wasn't use to all the complements he received.

"and actually..." Camille walked up next to Alec. "I didn't come out there to scold you. Magnus told me Sam ran again..."

"yeah. I left him a message. I hope he gets back to me soon."

"he will. Don't worry. And in the meantime, Magnus and I came up with an idea."


"yes. I'm going to ask to be a foster parent. As a wealthy woman, it's easier for me to get through the system. But when he gets here, you'll get to be his primary guardian. Legally it's me, but he will be your responsibility."

"are you serious?" Alec was stunned.

"Didn't you think I could read you, baby?" Magnus appeared and kissed Alec. "I could tell exactly what you wanted. Even though you never said it. And you could have said it, by the way." Magnus winked at Alec. "I know it's not the perfect solution, but Sam needs a place now, and Camille won't go through the same crap as a single man will. And then he can stay here while you begin to apply for adoption papers. If that's what you want."

"it is! Um, I mean if you don't mind, Magnus."

"of course I don't mind. He's a great kid. And maybe I can be in on the adoption someday. Hopefully sooner than later..."

"that would be perfect."

"just remember..." Camille interrupted, "you set the rules. Teenagers are tough to handle."

"I'll remember that. Thanks Camille."

Alec could hardly believe it. Was he actually going to be a parent? For a teenager. He couldn't wait for Sam to call. He wanted to tell him the news so bad.

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