Chapter 20 + thank you and a triggerwarning

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A special thank you to you guys:

I just want to thank every single one of you, who wrote to me on the comment section and in private messages during this hard time. I read every single one, and they touched me deeply. Thank you so much. Your support was incredible.

I've tried to write a new chapter for a while, but I kept getting stuck. The words just wouldn't come out. The only thing I had on my mind, was my experience with my mother's death, so I decided to put that down in writing. And this chapter is the result of that.


This chapter can be extremely triggering, and I have been debating with myself, if I should publish it, but I decided to do it. I fully understand if you don't want to read it. I just needed to get it out. Maybe I'll take it down again if it's to triggering.

But it was very therapeutic for me to write. so I used Alec as a way to write about it and deal with my loss.

This storyline is exactly what happened to my mother august 26 - 2020. Except for the part about Magnus, because I do not have a life partner.

(this is btw not my best writing... just a fair warning.)

#Warning #death #sorrow #breakdown #lossofamother

When Alec's phone rang, he first thought it was a part of a dream. And when he realized it wasn't, he thought it was Magnus's phone. It wasn't until he remembered that Magnus was sleeping at home, he understood that it was his own.

"Dad, What's wrong?" slightly disorientated, Alec had answered the phone. His father never called at night. Ever.

"it's bad kid. The hospital called. Mom's getting worse. We have to go."

"I'll be right there!"

When he hung up, he stared at his phone for a couple of seconds. He couldn't believe what was happening. Everything felt so unreal. Like, it was a bad movie or something. Without knowing exactly how he had managed it, Alec got out of bed and got dressed. Before he knew it, he was in his car on his way to his dad's house. On his way there, he saw his sister running down the street in her haste to get to their fathers place. Everything moved in slow-motion, and Alec thought for a second to stop his car and pick her up, but his body and mind weren't cooperating, and he found himself continuing to drive to his father's place, before stopping the car. Luckily, Izzy was almost there too, so it hadn't mattered that he didn't pick her up.

They only shared one look before going inside. It was clear that Izzy was just as disorientated as him. Inside, they found their father sitting on a chair, just staring at the phone in his hands.

"dad?" Izzy moved closer to the small set of stairs connecting the hallway to the living room.

"I'm trying to contact Jace... He has to know. I need to get in touch with him..."

Jace was Alec's and Izzy's half-brother who had lived with his father instead of their mom his entire life.

"Dad, don't worry about it. I'll call him from the car." Alec insured his father.

"it wasn't supposed to happen... She was fine... This wasn't supposed to happen..." Their dad kept mumbling as he stared at his phone like he was trying to solve a puzzle.


Suddenly, the man they had always known to be so strong and emotionally controlled crumbled in front of their eyes. Breaking down, he began sobbing into his hands. Alec and Izzy jumped up the stairs and enveloped him in their embrace. Only for a couple of seconds though, before he shook them off and reached for his car keys.

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