Chapter 28

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"Seriously dude?" Jace handed Alec a cup of coffee as they sat down on the couch. "You want me to give a teenager sex-advice?"

"No!" Alec nearly spat out his mouthful of Coffee. "God No! No Advice. Never any advice, Jace. Jesus!" rolling his eyes, Alec sat down his cup and turned towards Jace. "I don't need you to give him any advice. Why would you even think that? No, I need help to explain the responsibility and the consequences and stuff like that. I'm kind of in deep waters here. What the fuck do I do?"

"I don't know... maybe just explain how things physically work and that he should always respect his partner and get consent. Understand that no means no, no matter how turned on, he or she might have been a couple of minutes earlier."

"That's actually good advice. Thanks. I think I might have panicked for no reason."

"Well, that's kind of your thing." Jace ducked instantly after speaking, before Alec could slap him on the back of his head.

"You're an idiot..." Alec mumbled as he drank the last of his coffee. '"and now I'm gonna go to work."

"See you later, dude. And good luck with Sam."

Alec left his half-brother's house and drove to Camille's place. The rest of the day, he worked while thinking of how to prepare himself for the conversation he might have at some point with Sam. He knew he had to make sure that Sam understood that sexual urges was normal, and nothing to be ashamed of. Mentally, he made a list of all the things he had to remember to explain to Sam, so he could guide him to become a confident and responsible young adult. And when his shift was over, he felt confident that he was able to guide Sam in the right direction.

I've got this. I can do this parenting thing. I'm gonna sit down with Sam, and explain everything calmly and let him know, that I'll always be there to help and guide him.

When Alec arrived back at their house, he entered strong, tall and confident in his own Abilities.

"Sam? Are you home?" tossing his keys onto the small table by the door, Alec searched for Sam in the living room. The boy usually turned on the TV as soon as he got home. But there was no one there.

"He's sleeping at Izzy's place tonight."

Turning around, Alec saw Magus casually leaning against the doorway.

"But... I thought we were going to talk..." Alec couldn't hide his disappointment. He had actually begun looking forward to having a real Father-son talk.

"I know, baby. I think that's why he went to Izzy's. I dont think he's ready to talk about it."


Magnus walked over to Alec and placed his arms around his waist.

"It has nothing to do with you, darling. I promise. Teenagers often find these things uncomfortable to talk about with their parents." Magnus placed a finger under his chin, forcing Alec to look him in the eyes. "It's not a bad thing, Alexander. It means he sees you as his father." Magnus placed a chased kiss on his lips, before realizing his hold on Alec's waist and going back to the kitchen where he was preparing dinner.

"Besides," Magnus looked at Alec over his shoulder. "You are just like him. You are not all that comfortable with talking about sex."

"what?" Alec followed Magnus into the kitchen. "I talk about sex... right?"

'Magnus shrugged his shoulders slightly before chopping the remaining vegetables on the table.

"You talk about it, if I start the conversation, and even then, you don't really let me know what you actually like. Or want."

"Seriously?" Alec jumped up to sit at the counter and stole a half-cut carrot from Magnus chopping board. Earning a slight scowl from his boyfriend. "I thought I was doing all right."

"You are doing great. In the physical department, but I think you are holding things back."

"Like what?"

"Like the fact that you like to dominate. Even if I start by being the one in charge. You always shift the dynamic between us." When Alec suddenly looked at bit frightened Magnus quickly kissed his lover before continuing. "I like it that way. I promise. I love it actually. I want you to be the dominating one, but I sometimes fear that you don't let yourself explore enough, because you are afraid that I'll think it's strange or something..."

"So... you want me to... what?"

"I just want you to let go. Live out your fantasies. Let me know your deepest darkest desires and then let me live out those with you."

"I... um... im not sure what you mean..." Alec could feel his face getting hotter by the second. He hated lying to Magnus, but he was afraid. How could he explain what a freak he truly was?

"Baby... I don't judge, I promise..." Magnus moved over and placed himself between Alec's legs. "What if I start? If I tell you something, you don't know about me. Would that help?"


"before we became a couple, I was a frequent guest at a sex-club."

"What?!" Shock was plastered all over Alec's face. A sex-club? How was that possible?

"Yes. I loved being there. I have a lot of friends in that community."

"Holy fuck... I would never have guessed..."

"Maybe not... now it's your turn."

"Um, okay... I like being in control..." Alec shifted uncomfortably, and tried to avoid Magnus' eyes, but couldn't. Magnus wouldn't let him. "I fantasies about... umm..."

"It's okay... tell me baby..."

"I want to dominate you. Like really dominate you. Give your commands and punish you..."

Smiling, Magnus brushed his fingers down Alec's cheeks while looking deep into his hazel eyes. "There you are..." Magnus mumbled low before kissing Alec with heated passion.

"So... you are not freaked out?"

"not the slightest. I had hoped you wanted something like that." Magnus turned off the stove and took Alec's hand. Leading him out of the kitchen and into the basement. "Let me introduce you to the world of BDSM. I think you'll like it."

Swallowing thickly, Alec followed with flushed cheeks and a hard dick.

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