Chapter 2

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We kept driving for miles to get out of the way of the bombs, the one that almost dropped on us probably destroyed the shop. Goodbye summer job. Henderson didn't seem very happy anymore, he seemed almost as if he was going to cry. His house was in the line of bombs, the only thing that reminded him of his wife and his kid. I remember David, he was a good man. Kind, animal lover, and pretty hot. Cancer took his life a year ago and his wife died 2 months later of a heart attack. She was the sweetest woman ive ever met. She didnt even care that there was a lesbian in her house (Joji).

"You guys ok? Other than just shitting your pants?" Alyssa looked at us. Henderson just nodded his head and i replied with a small 'yeah'. She looked back at Henderson, she knew about his family and gave him a sorrowful look. "It'll be ok. Maybe they didnt hit your house and you can go back and still have everything." She tried to give him a smile but his eyes stuck to the trees passing us by.

"No. I know its gone. It's alright, I just gotta move on i guess." He turned around and gave me and Alyssa a smile. "I doubt that ice cream place got hit, I'd love some ice cream right now." He looks back out the window.

"That is a pretty good idea, i know that some of the police are coming there and looking around so we gotta be careful." Alyssa has a glass arm that a lot of people mistake her as a monster. She completely demolished her arm when she was in the army. She decided it was too much of a risk after loosing her arm. She got her stuff back together by testing the glass arm. It's supposed to have monster magic in it so she's basically 1/4 of a monster now. "Yes! You were right Henderson."

We stepped out of the car and walked in. They were surprisingly still open. "Are you three ok? Those bombs had everyone scared for life. We're your homes destroyed?" A small dwarf bunny came out from behind the counter frantically.

"No no were alright, we got out in time. We just need some ice cream to lift our spirits." Henderson game her a smile. "Oh! That's wonderful to hear, what do you all want?" Henderson got pecan, Alyssa got classic chocolate and vanilla, and i got blueberry and vanilla. We sat down at one of the tables and stared intently at the TV, making sure nothing else happened.

Wed been there for a while now, we played a board game that Alyssa always had in her car and took our mind off of the situation. "You know what, girls? I think the rest of today wont be so ba-!" There was a gunshot that came behind us.

"GET DOWN!" The small bunny girl screamed and ran behind the counter and we went under the table out of the way of the now broken window. The police looked around inside the store and with all the power being out and no lights we were able to stay in the dark. After a couple minuets of looking around they left and got back in their cars. The small girl came out from the counter. "Is everyone ok?"

"No." Henderson stood up slowly, his vest stained with blood. We all rushed him to the back where there were a couple beds (it was normal for monsters to not have houses and sleep at work) and laid him down in one.

"Where does it hurt?" The small girl ran to the cabinet and brought out a couple of pills and a healing blanket. He pointed to his stomach and we all tried to bandage him and put the blanket on him. But no matter how much we used the bandage or pills nothing worked, not even the blanket.

"Look. You girls get out of here, leave me." He tried to sit up.

"What no! We aren't leaving you here-!" "Just go." We all stared at him in silence. "A war is coming, girls. Don't stay here just for me, save yourselves. Ill only slow you down." Alyssa sighs and i look at him, almost about to cry.

"I'm sorry." I say and grab both Alyssa's and the bunny girl's sleeve and run out of the store, running to the car. Alyssa starts the car and drives away. Guess i wont need the money anymore. Thank you anyways Henderson.

You'll forever be in my heart.


Ok done with that depressing mess. If anyone is reading now thanks for making me feel like I can write. Ok into the future!

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