Chapter 10

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We've been driving for a while, finding every single gas station and hoping we can just get a couple gallons of gas. I've been healing a lot faster than I expected. I actually want to stay hurt, I know that makes me sound like a psychopath but i dont mind being carried all the time. G is getting really comfortable with me being around him all the time now, he even told me a couple times he enjoyed having me by his side. Which is great that I'm not just an annoying hurt girl that he has to take care of.

"Awe come on." The car immediately stops. I sit up and look outside the window. The exit of Kentucky was blocked by a bunch of broken cars. While we would probably have to walk on top of the cars to get over the mess, it seemed like it stretched for miles. But it was either that, or we could just go down into Missouri. The bottom of Missouri starts the Chickengrave group. Full of crazy people and monsters. No way we're gonna survive there but it's either break my leg (again) or try our best to act like one of them. I guess it wouldn't be so bad.

"Just go G, it's fine they aren't the worst group in the world." G looks back at me. "Doll. That's where most people get shot if they don't act a certain way. Hell no I'm not gonna deal with you getting hurt again." The way he said it sounded kinda.. weird. It's probably just me though.

"Just go, I'm not going to get shot and your not going to get shot. We just have to drink beer and shout everywhere we go to be like one of them." G sits back in his seat and sighs. He hesitates for a while.

"Fuck it." He stomps on the gas pedal, scarring me to death. We only drove a mile before seeing millions of signs. 'BEWARE, DRUNK DOGS!' 'If ya don't like guns get outta here.' 'Turn back at your own risk!' 'WARNING, FIRE PEOPLE!' The last one caught me off guard.

"What do they mean by fire people?" I ask G. He shakes his head. "Grillby probably lives over there. Damn, I miss him." He keeps driving and I give him a confused look, he looks at me through the small mirror at the front of the car. "He's a bartender, always had the best drinks and fries. He's basically a humanoid version of fire but with glasses. You'd like him. Even though he doesn't talk much." I nod my head and look back out of the window. Most of the houses were weird colours that were trashed top to bottom, at least some people know how to vandalise and know how to do it well. Without the paintings this place would be the worst.

There were a lot of monsters, and when I mean a lot.. I mean a lot. Some were drinking on the porch or smoking, some were running around on the side walk. But most, were starring at us. I'm guessing no one here has seen a car in a long time, or just so high that the car looks like some cartoon shoe. There were also a lot of them laying or just walking on the street, making us drive one mile an hour. I could tell G was getting frustrated.

"Do not honk your horn, your just gonna get everyone mad." I say to him in a stern tone.

"I really fucking want to." He shifted his cigarette in his mouth, I never noticed he's always had a cigarette in his mouth or in his hands. The whole time he was carrying me he didn't have one though even though he looked so stressed. He must've not wanted for me to have to breathe it in every two seconds. I'm at least glad he thinks about me.

People started to get up close to the car and some even touch it. They acted like we were aliens flying on a small UFO. We finally got to a building that had the words 'HOTEL' written on it G parked the car and stayed in for a while. "What's wrong?" He crosses his arms.

"I have no doubt in my mind that one of these freaks are gonna steal the car." He though about it for a minuet before getting out and going to the trunk. I looked out the window and he was slashing the back tire. I banged on the window. "HEY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I rolled down the window and he said. "I also doubt one of these freaks can replace a tire." I sighed. "That's true." He helped me out, basically carrying me inside. There was a half skeleton half human monster at the front desk.

"Good afternoon. I'm guessing you want a room." He said in a depressed voice. "Well the only room we have is on the top floor. It's got a king sized bed, just for lovers-." I cut him off. "Nononono we aren't lovers. But we'll just take it anyways." I give him a nervous smile. I look up at G that's trying to hold back an obvious smile. He hands us the key '87A'.

"Well. It's ok.." it wasn't. It was completely littered with boy bands and towels. I look down at my feet. And apparently it's also decorated with... used condoms. Fun. The only good part was the bed. At least they were kind enough to fix up the bed and clean the sheets. G puts me down on the bed and then takes his jacket off and lays next to me. It was awkward for a while until G spoke up.

"What do you think Arizona will be like?" He says and turns his head to look at me. "Peaceful." I say and look back at him. "Well yeah no shit." I chuckle and look back up at the ceiling. "I know this is a weird question but." I hesitate to ask. "What?" "Nevermind." We sit in silence for another second. "Do you even have a dick?" His cheeks go a strange hue of yellow. "Uh, what do you think?" I hum before answering. "Yes?" He sighs. "There you go." I shift ,y body to face his. "But like since it doesn't have bones what-" "were not talking about this." I start laughing. "Just tell me and I'll shut up." "No." "Why not?" "Because that's weird." "No it's not. It's..... informative." He looks back at me and laughs. "No. Now go to bed, doll."

"Why do you call me doll?" "I call everyone doll." "Even guys? That's gay." "No just to girls. And what's wrong with being gay?" I shake my head. "Nothing." He turns towards the wall. "Good." He then goes quiet. I close my eyes and soon fall asleep too.


Damn MC don't be so homophobic, what are you a Karen?

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