Chapter 4

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"THIS STUPID-" I keep banging on the microwave. It's only been a day and this dumb microwave is already dead. What did I expect?

"Calm down MC, we still have pots. We don't need a microwave." Cinna yawns while holding her blanket. "It's 2 am you don't need to bang on this thing."

"And the fucking baby upstairs doesn't need to cry every 2 seconds and I don't need to use a pot because IT. Bang DOESNT. Bang NEED. Bang TO. Bang BREAK!" Finally its plays a little tune and I take the ramen out.

"Now stop banging on the microwave." She was about to go back to her room but she spins around quickly. "Oh yeah! There's a guy in town that knows how to fix appliances! Why don't you bring it to him. It maybe that hot tall guy~." She says playfully.

I sigh I don't care who it is anymore, I just want my microwave to work. "Ok, where is he?" She gives me a post-it-note, 231 B. Well good, that's only two floors above mine. "I'm going now."

"It's 2 am MC! I doubt he's up. Plus it's a stupid microwave."

"I don't care a lot of people here are night owls I just want my microwave." I need a microwave, not my fault. I open the door, then notice that I'm in pjs. If I'm going to come at night I should at least seem like I've been up for a while. I go back into my room and change into a sweatshirt and shorts.

"Don't get murdered." Cinna says as I open the door to leave.

"Don't get too horny." I say with a tired laugh. I go up to his house, microwave in hand and set it down to ring the doorbell. Surprisingly (not really) someone immediately opens the door. Of course, it's the tall E-Boy, still wearing the same clothes and mask.

"What?" He looks down at me. "Lemme guess, your microwave is shitty." I nod slowly.

"Do you.. want me to come later?" He looked pretty upset but he still shook his head and motioned me in. His apartment was almost empty, me must be only here for a week or he just doesn't like stuff.

"I'm guessing your fine with monsters?" I nod and he takes off his mask and jacket. He was a skeleton, that part was actually surprising. "What's wrong with it?" He motioned to the microwave I was holding while staring at him. He had a crack going up on his right eye and going down on his left. "How much do you have to stare at me, doll. What's wrong with the damn microwave?" The 'doll' kind of caught me off guard but I was too tired to care.

"Well, I have to slap it for it to go. And if I don't it'll just turn off." He takes it from me and places it on a dining room table next to the door.

"You should be glad it isn't smoking. Then you probably wouldn't have a microwave at all even after I fix it." He opens a door behind the dining room table and takes out a bag of tools. "You can sit down on the couch, just don't get it dirty. The last owner almost cried telling me how careful I have to be with it." He said under his breath. Yeah I don't think he's happy to be around me.

I sat there for a while and looked out of the window, you could see the green space that divided us from Washington D.C., it was actually kind of pretty. "There, just come back if it doesn't work. I totally wont mind." He stood up and was about to walk to his room.

"Wait. Where'd you come from?" He stopped.

"Kinda personal, doll." He took another step.

"But no where near here is a group that allows monsters. Unless you came from another country. But that's still pretty far." I walked over to my fixed microwave. Or at least I hope it's fixed.

"I didn't come from another clan, I've been hiding. Now get out."

"What's your name?" I say picking up the microwave.

"G." He said quietly.

"G? Just G?"

"Yes now leave." I sighed and opened his door.

"Thank you, G. I say and give him a smile before leaving. When i got back home Cinna immediately got up and asked me a million questions like, was it him? What's his name? Is he leaving? "Ok ok calm down, his name was G, i don't know if he's leaving or not, and of course it was him.

"Did he show you his face?" She said with a smile.

"Yes, he's a skeleton." She 'oooo'd playfully as I set up the microwave and tried to start it.

"What did he look like?"

"A skeleton." Cinna sighed.

"What did he seriously look like."

"Well he had cracks on his eye and had a scowl on his face all the time." I started the microwave and it seemed to actually work. I put it on 3 minuets and waited. "He also called me 'doll'." I said doll as if it were a bad taste in my mouth.

"He's into you~!" She turned around. "Soon you'll be all like-." Cinna starts doing that pretend making out thing.

"Your so weird. He hated me even being near him he hates me." Suddenly, the microwave stops and I groan loudly and put my hands on my face. Great, now I gotta go back."

"Go back, it's fate you guys need to be together again!" I looked at Cinna and she was smiling ear to ear.

"I hate you."

"I love you too!!" She gave me a kiss in the air and I unplug the microwave and head for the door and go back.

It might be fate MC, don't be so salty jeez.

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