Chapter 12

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G ended up getting noodles for us. And boy did he have a lot to say about the shop. "So there was this guy.." G explained with his mouth full, "and apparently this girl was like in love with him or something. But uh......" He just stopped talking and stared down at his food. "G you ok-?" He goes right back to talking. "Yeah, uh so they were fighting.. with their mouths like shouting right.." G pauses again and takes in another mouthful of food. "But the lady, girl whatever hit the guy on the side of the head. And you know he starts crying and saying why life was so shit.. and she was like 'well then fix it you dumbass bitch.' And then the guy took out a knife.." he gestures his hands as if he had a knife. "And then I walked out because the food came, I think."

He looked up at me with his hand still in the air and stared at me before dropping it. "You were drinking, huh?" I smirk and he shakes his head. "Nononono.. maybe..... yes?" I chuckle then take a bite. G tries to do the same but all of the food ended up dropping in his lap instead. "See, I told you you'd have fun here." He tries picking up each little strand of noodle but to me it kinda looked like he was grabbing invisible heavy tools off of his lap. I put my food on the end table and slide over towards him to pick it up myself.

"Hey, don't touch my dick." I looked up at him and he was smiling ear to ear, almost about to laugh. "Are you sure you even have one?" He takes my hand and puts it right on his crotch. Yeah there was something there. Still tmi. "Yes, I do." We kind of sat there for a moment. I froze up and I could feel my face getting hotter. He just stared at me and I stared at him back, my hand still on his crotch. I guess I just didn't know what to do. "You tryan have sex with me?" G blurts out and I take my hand away and drop the noodles onto the side table. "No." I clear my throat.

"We should really get going." I say quietly and trying to stand up myself. "I'd crash into literally everything." I sigh "Then I'll drive." I look back at him, he looked kinda.. sad. "What's wrong?" He mumbles under his breath before talking. "Why can't we stay here?" He picks up his cup. "We got food, device, and the bed." I look down and nod my head. "Fine, only until your sober." He giggles. It was actually kind of adorable in a weird way. I lay back down on the bed and grab the remote. The tv took a while to turn on but it's still something to keep me not getting bored out of my mind.

We sat there for a while, watching random shows and half done movies. G ended up falling asleep and waking up a couple of times. "Just fall asleep G, were not going anywhere for a while." He shakes his head and sits up. "I'm sitting wi- watching movies with you and their interesting, doll." The doll kinda seemed out of place. I sighed and said under my breath 'whatever you say' and keep watching a movie. G started getting sober but increasingly tired which was a bummer since I wanted out of here, now.

But he kept watching, he'd have times when he falls asleep for a few seconds and times when he falls asleep for ten minuets. It was annoying to watch, it was kind of like a kid who didn't want to fall asleep and you so desperately wanted to put on that one sexual song in the car... is it just me who ever thought of that? Guess so.

"Dude, just fall asleep." G sighed. "No." "Why?" "Because." "Because why?" "Just because." "Its getting really annoying watching you try your hardest to fall asleep." "How does me being tired bother you?" He closes his eyes and wipes his eyes, yawning. "Damn, someone's into me." I stutter. "I'm not, it's just annoying to me." "Yeah, ok."

"Well if you want to leave then go to sleep, you'll sober up faster." He complains that he'll feel like shit tomorrow and whines for no reason. I just ignore him and watch the show currently on. I could see out of the corner of my eye, him crawling over and poking my cheek. "Hey, listen to me when I'm talking to you." I look over at him. His head was hanging and he laid down next to me. "You know, if you didn't make me not falling asleep such a big deal, I would've probably been sound asleep by now."

"Ok." I turn off the tv. He looks up at me and tries to take the remote from me to turn it back on. "Ah ah ah, go to sleep." He shakes his head. "My god your such a big baby-." I pick him up and sit him on my lap. He wasn't as heavy as he looked, but my weak ass still struggled. It was kind of awkward trying to get up both in a comfortable position to sleep. G was already obviously sound asleep, I was the only problem. He ended up laying on his 'stomach' and hugging my torso as if it was a teddy bear. It was hard to breathe, but am I really the one to complain? Like, come on now. A hot skeleton dude is laying on my stomach, sound asleep. I could literally make out with him and he'd still be asleep. No, brain. Shut up. God your so horny.

It was one damn dream. One. And now, I caught feelings. Fucking great. Plus, I gotta life with this dude. Every day is gonna be so awkward. But, I guess it isn't so bad.


Well then. That was fun. Whatever. I doubt I will ever update on this book. If I do finish my Nightmare book then I guess I will try to finish up this story. Why does it even matter? It's not like anyone is gonna see this anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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