Chapter 3

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                                   -/three years later\-

Things have changed a lot in three years.

We dont have a government anymore really, they have no power over the police. I now live in a town in Virginia, but i really want to get to Arizona.The only state that actually allows both monsters and humans to live, and where Joji and Alyssa live now. God i miss them so much.

Now people live in groups. I, for one, live in Turtlesaw, where most humans go. The only bad part is it's extremely hard to leave and extremely hard to have any monster friends. But they do accept animal monsters so me and the bunny girl who's name is Cinna live together. Joji and Alyssa live in Tigerclaw, where monsters and humans live as one like we did before. There is also Deerpath, mostly made of monsters. Eaglewing, soldiers and police live there, and then finally Chickengrave. Sounds kinda weird right? Well, that's where the homeless weirdos go. Usually mentally insane monsters and annoying human alcoholics.

It's Wednesday, which is ration day. We don't have normal grocery stores anymore. We usually only have clothing shops with some snacks for only a couple cards. We use cards now, their more like money but instead of numbers we use colours. Green cards are only 5 items, yellow is 7, purple is 15, red is 17, pink is 35, blue is 37, white is 50, and black is unlimited. But you have to pay 2 whites every 2 months. Then there are orange cards which is really rare that you have to work hard for. It gives you supplies such as pots or appliances.And even pink is extremely rare, only the rich people with real homes get the big bucks. While we have to live in run down apartments.

I've been sitting in line with Cinna for about 2 hours now. It's pouring down hard on us as we wait endlessly for the train to give out food. "Do you think there will be Cinnabuns today, MC?" Cinna's real name is Gabi but I call her Cinna for her obvious obsession to Cinnabuns.

"Probably, they didn't have them last time." I sigh and push my wet, h/c hair out of my face. "I hope they have microwaves that actually work. I finally have a orange card." Soon people are looking at me. I probably shouldn't have said that.

"Hey, pretty lady. You think I could get that card? I'd let you at my house anytime to use it." A tall, muscular man looked down at me, leaning on a light pole. "No no no, I could give you tons of food for free!" An old lady infront of me says. Soon, everyone in line was trying to get my card. Me and Cinna started to freak out.

"We aren't allowed to share cards." A deep voice says behind me, I look up at him. He had a mask on, hiding his face. He was probably a monster, a lot of monsters go here since we get good rations. A strong smell of vanilla and cigarette smoke filled my nose, even through all of this rain. He was wearing a jacket with his hood on, cut off at his waist. A beige turtleneck and black jeans with large boots with fluff inside of them. He kinda looks like an E-Boy. Everyone went quiet as the train came with the rations.

"What are you staring at. The trains here, you should be focusing on that." He says and looks up. I look down at Cinna. She mouths 'scary' to me and I nod with a slight smile.

I finally got a better microwave and everyone just stared at me as I picked it up and put it into my bucket. Along with a bunch of other foods, mostly ramen. I looked down at Cinna's bucket. She took most of the Cinnabuns. Obviously. I'm just glad she had a smile on her face for once.

As I turned around to go home I bumped into the tall guy. He mumbled a 'watch it' and picked up his bucket. I noticed that he had a black card. Most of the people on Turtlesaw were extremely poor, I'm surprised someone like him had a black card. I sped walked home and ran up the stairs to our room. Cinna was yelling at me to slow down but I couldn't get that guy off of my head, I didn't even noticed she was tripping on the stairs.

I immediately put up the microwave and made some ramen without saying anything. "What's gotten into you?!" Cinna said angrily with a pout.

"Oh, sorry. Nothing. Just hungry." Cinna sighed, I don't blame her, I can be really bipolar at times. "Do you think I'll see that dude again? He kinda scares me." I say after taking a mouthful of ramen.

"Probably, dont you think he was kinda hot?" I almost spit out my ramen, Cinna has always been boy crazy and will be boy crazy forever.

"Hush, horny." I say with a chuckle.

"I'm just saying, he was so mysterious and sexy-." "Ok how about I make you some ramen and you can shut up." I say while making another bowl.

"Fine fine whatever. Well, until you admit it!" I sigh as I put the bowl in the microwave.

"Ok, he was hot. Boom. Happy?" I walk over to the couch with my ramen.



I'm sorry but I'm not sorry.

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