Chapter 11

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I woke up to the sound of creaking and something touching my cheek, I look over and of course it's G. But for some reason he didn't have a shirt on under his jacket. He was starring at me with a weird smirk that I couldn't tell what he was thinking. G was also extremely close to my face. "Morning, doll." He said softly. I touched his hand and pulled it off.

"What are you doing?" I sit up a bit. He pushes me back down. "No no, don't get up." He put his hand on my arm and sighed. "Look, I'm going to be honest with you. It's been a pain hiding this from you." G looked me up and down. This really wasn't like him. I start to get a little flustered.

"You know, it's even hard to sleep without seeing your e/c eyes at night." Ok, this was weird. I pushed him back a bit and he just pushed me closer to him. "What are you implying?" He chuckles. "I think you know the answer to that, doll." I could feel my face heat up, this has to be fake, he's gotta be joking. I could tell he was now starring at my lips. I sat up immediately.

"Look, you need to calm down." He crawls over to me and puts his hand on my cheek. "I know you hate me, but just once? Please doll?" I look to my left, trying not to get overly flustered. "I... fine." I look back at him and he's smiling ear to ear he starts getting close to my face and-

"MC GOD DAMNIT GET UP LAZY ASS!" I open my eyes. Well, that was interesting. G was looking out of the window. "There's a fight going on outside, some of them just came inside the building. I don't think we should stay here." I sigh.

"G, calm down. They won't hurt some random girl and skeleton." He looks at me and I start to blush, the dream coming back to me. "Fine." He sighs and plops down on the bed. "You really need to stop worrying." He says something along the lines of 'these people are crazy' under his breath.  I relaxed, at least this bed was comfy. I couldn't get what happened out omg head. It was impossible to think about anything else.

"What's wrong?" G looks up at me and I blush even harder. "Nothing.. nothing." He looks back up at the ceiling. "You're really weird." I nod my head and hum. "I saw a restaurant on the way here, can you pick something up?" G sits up. "Me? You wanna stay here." "Yeah I just got something on my mind right now and wanna be alone." He gives me a worried look. "Did you have a bad dream?" Actually.. the opposite. "Uh.. yeah. Bad dream." He shakes his head and stands up. "Are you gonna run away? Look if your gonna stay don't open the door to anyone, don't talk to anyone, dont-." "I get it. Just, go if your gonna go. You don't have to." God, why did he have to be so protective.

"Alright. I'm going." He stands up and walks to the door. I never noticed how he looks when he walks. It kind of made him look kind of.... attractive? No. I'm not falling for a dumb skeleton. It was just a dream. It doesn't matter anymore, and I'm not gonna think about it..... actually. That's kinda hard. Fuck. I jump to the sound of G slamming the door. I lay back down and let my thoughts take over me. Good and bad.


There we go, some action! Also I just realised that there is another book that I kind of based this off of (cause it was so amazing. I think it was called Doll or something idk it's been so long since I've read it.) anyways back to writing. Not like anyone's gonna see this.

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