Chapter 11 : Jane's apartment

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Max was awake by a ray of sunshine, her heart light. Her conversation with Jane relieved her of a big weight; she was sure Jane was different of her past experiences. The redhead turned on her right and saw the brunette's body being gilded by the light. She couldn't hold her smile while she was looking at her peacefully sleeping. She could have stayed all morning just looking at her.

But she was hungry, so she got out of her sofa bed to find something to eat. The travel was short as her kitchen was right behind it. She took what she needed and sat at her table. She barely had the time to bite her croissant that Jane was moving in the bed. The brunette blindly touched the place next to her, but the empty space forced her to open her eyes. She raised her head and looked around with a confused pout before seeing Max at her table. She had a relieved face before dropping again her head on the pillow, in direction of the redhead this time.

- "You slept well?" Max asked.

Jane yawned as an answer.

- "I guess it's a yes," the redhead stated with an amused tone.

Jane raised her thumb.

- "Why are you awake this early?" Jane asked with a sleepy voice.

- "Early? It's almost eleven!"

The brunette widely opened her eyes like if the time had given her a big bowl of energy.

- "Already!?"

- "Um, yep. You have something to do today?" Max frowned.

- "I wanted to go to my apartment before training."

- "You still can, no?"

- "Yeah...You wanna come?"

- "Really?"

- "Yes, I mean, if you want," Jane said.

- "I would love to."

- "Cool," she smiled.

Jane rolled on her back and closed again her eyes. Max had an amused smile and was feeling a bit excited; she always wondered how Jane's place could look like.

Now that Jane was awake, the redhead took her breakfast and went to her sofa-bed to sit next to her girlfriend and put the TV on. While Max was channel-hopping, Jane placed her hand on her knee and gently caressed it, making blush the girl next to her. Max was feeling so much things inside that she wasn't caring anymore about the channels changing in front of her. If her other hand wasn't all greasy, she would have placed it on Jane's. She stopped on a music channel and kept eating her breakfast, proposing some to Jane who refused.

- "Too fatty for you?" Max asked with an amused smile.

- "I...kinda."

- "It's okay, I'm aware that you have a diet to follow. What do you usually eat?"

- "Cereals with milk and a fruit or a fruit juice."

- "I guess I'll have to buy some if I don't want you to die of starvation."

Jane chuckled. The brunette got closer to Max and put her head against her tight. Max felt an emulsion of happiness and comfort in her guts.

After Max's breakfast, the two girls got ready and left Max's apartment to go to Jane's. Jane was living in a beautiful and calm district; it was the opposite of Max's. Her building was a new one, and there was an elevator inside; they didn't have to climb the six floors by the stairs. When Jane opened the door, they arrived in a wide and light living-room decorated with warm pieces of furniture. On the left, a soft red corner sofa was facing the plasma screen linked to a home cinema, a high and wide bookcase with books about Baseball and trophies, with a patio door to go to the wide balcony. On the right, the modern open-plane kitchen was filling the entire space. Max was so mesmerized by the kitchen that she didn't notice Jane holding out her hands in her direction to take her coat.

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