Chapter 13 : New town

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Max almost spent all her days in Jane's apartment. The place was so warm and wide, it was hard to go back in her tiny one. And Cat had company like that. Jane called her three times before the match and one time after. Max was relieved, Jane really seemed happy and proud of herself, they won the match and she met consultants after that. She hoped she would finally have her chance with another team. She deserved it.

Sadly, Max was working when Jane was coming back to her apartment. She would have loved welcoming her to congratulate her and tell her how proud she was. She would see her after, it was fine. And Beverly was there to give her some company.

- "How is it with Jane?" Bev asked.

- "It's great, so much better than at the beginning. I feel like we are building something, I can see a future with her," Max said with a stupid smile on her face.

- "Really? I hope she sees things like you."

- "I hope too. I don't want to stress her with that, she had an important match two days ago, for now I just want to celebrate her win with her."

- "You love her, do you?"

- "I...guess...We've been dating for five months now, it's normal to feel like that, right?"

- "Sure, I'm not judging, I'm happy for you," Bev reassured. "She seems correct with you, it's great."

- "She is, I've never felt so confident in my life before, she gives me wings!"

- "You definitely love her," Beverly chuckled.

- "I think I do," Max pouted.

Beverly nodded before standing to leave the bar. Max was now alone with her thoughts. What Bev told her made her realize that Jane never told her that she loved her, but Max was sure she was loving her, she showed her more than one time that she was caring about her. She could ask her after celebrating her win.

Before going to Jane's, Max went to her apartment to change her clothes. She didn't want to celebrate with her working outfit. Once ready, she went to Jane's and knocked at the door. The brunette opened the door with a smile before taking her in her arms. The hug was more tight and softer than usual, like if Jane didn't want to let her go. Max broke the hug and kissed her girlfriend.

- "So? Happy?" Max asked excitedly.

- "Yeah, yeah," Jane answered with an embarrassed tone. "You wanna drink something?"

- "Sure, what do you have?"

Jane went to her kitchen, followed by Max, and proposed her everything she had in her fridge. Max was amused because there was no alcohol, sometimes she was forgetting that Jane was just twenty years old. The redhead chose an orange juice, but while Jane was preparing the glasses, her hands were shaking.

- "Okay, what's wrong? Is there something you wanna tell me? You don't seem happy of your win. Your meeting with the consultants didn't go well?"

- "It did. It's just...I talked with a guy working for a team, and he wants me to join them."

- "Jane, it's amazing!"

- "It's in Seattle."

Max's heart stopped. Seattle was so far. Max was wondering if it was the end of their relationship or just another obstacle that they would overcome.

- "If...if you don't want me to go, I won't, I haven't signed yet." Jane said.

- "No! Don't do that, Jane. This is your dream, don't ruin your dream for me!"

- "What's the point to live my dream if I can't share it with you?"

- "Jane...Just because you will be far doesn't mean it has to end between us."

- "Wait, you would be ready to have a long-distance relationship with me?" Jane frowned.

- "I'm pretty sure there is an airport in Seattle."

Jane had a surprised expression and a relieved smile. The brunette made some movements with her hands and mouth like if she was searching for something to say.

- "You make things so much easier," Jane finally said.

- "I'm not here to put a spoke in your wheel, Jane. I support you in your dream as much as you support me in my new project!"

- "I don't know what to say...Thanks!"

- "Come here."

Max held out her hand, which Jane took, and invite her to come closer before wrapping her arms around her.

- "I don't like seeing you stressing."

- "I'm not stressing with you. Except when you stop talking to me."

Max gave a gentle tap on Jane's side which made laugh the brunette.

- "Is there one of your sex-friends in Seattle?" Max squinted.

- "No, don't worry, my heart is all yours."

- "What a charmer."

- "Always!"

Max chuckled and playfully rolled her eyes which satisfied Jane who was proud of herself. The two girls spent the rest of the night celebrating Jane's new contract with light hearts.

Two weeks later, Jane was definitively moving to Seattle. She emptied her apartment thanks to Max and Mallory and installed all of it in her new apartment. She stayed at Max's with Cat as much time as possible before taking her plane to Seattle. The redhead accompanied her to the airport, not really ready to see her leave. They walked hand in hand in the airport until Max wasn't allowed to go.

- "Well, I guess this is where we're saying goodbye," Jane said with a shaking voice.

- "I already miss you."

- "Yeah...I'll call when I land."

Max was just able to nod. They took each other in their arms and hugged as long as possible, not wanting to let the other go.

- "I love you," Max managed to say.

- "I love you too."

Jane heard the announce of her plane, forcing her to break the hug. They kissed a long moment before separating. Max was feeling her heart breaking more every time Jane was making a step away from her. She hoped Jane would be happy in Seattle and that their relationship would be strong enough to support the separation. Maybe one day she would join her in this town.


A/N: Yep, this is the end!

Thank you for reading, don't hesitate to tell me what you thought about it! :D

Sequel --> The Blue Fox

See you in another book ;)

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