As of Today, You Both are Hosts!

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Y'all I spent so long writing this there's so much dialogue in the anime, my brain has melted into nothing man. But I did it. Pretty sure I'm light headed right now.

This is long as fuck but I did that purposefully because this is the character introduction and pretty much follows the first episode. I tried to switch the lines up a bit just so the reader can have a few.

Also: you as the reader only canonically wears glasses just like Haruhi does. That's the only thing about your appearance that's a staple.

--- A. :)

CW: transphobia

(f/n) - first name

(l/n) - last name

bold text is the twins talking in unison

Regular italics with NO quotations is (___)'s thoughts.


(1st Person)

The door had shut behind us, locking us in the room. We stared at the boys. Haruhi hugged the door, trying to find the knob.

"ThisThis is a Host Club?!" Haruhi stuttered.

"Oh wow, it's two boys!" The twins said in unison.

"Hikaru, Kaoru, I believe these two are in the same class as you, no?" The tall one with glasses said.

"Yeah, but they're shy! They usually only talk to each other so we don't know much about them." The twins replied.

"Hm," The guy with glasses smiled, "Well, that wasn't very polite. Welcome to the Ouran Host Club, Honor Students."

The blond one jumped up from his chair, curiosity filling his eyes. I gulped and turned to face Haruhi who was still trying to open the door. I also fiddled with the knob, not wanting to be here any moment longer.

"Dude, we gotta get out of here! These people are weird!" I whispered to Haruhi.

"The door's locked! How did this happen"

"What? You must be Haruhi Fujioka and (f/n) (l/n)! You both are the exceptional honor students that we've heard so much about!"

We both paused from our trying to escape and turned to him. I nudged my glasses up a bit, a bit frightened about how he knew our names.

"Just how do you know our names?" I questioned.

"Why, you're infamous. It's not everyday that a commoner gains entrance into our academy, let alone two at the same time." Glasses boy says, "You two must have audacious nerves to work hard enough to fight your way into this school as honor students."

"Uh, well, thanks I guess." Haruhi stammered.

"You're welcome!" The blond one announces.

He comes extra close, wrapping both of his arms around our shoulders. How can he be this tall? He's bigger than the both of us combined!

"You guys are heroes to other poor people, Fujioka and (l/n)! You've shown the world that even a poor person can excel at an elite private academy." The blond one continued.

We both shied away from the contact, moving in opposite directions from him. He looked between us before trying to follow after me.

"It must be hard for you to constantly be looked down upon by others." Tall Blondie went on.

"I think you're taking this 'poor' thing too far." Haruhi calls to him.

"Spurned! Neglected! That doesn't matter now! Long live the poor! We welcome you, poor men, to our world of beauty!"

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