(___)'s Reprieve

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hey you guys im back from camping!! it truly was a learning experience, i will share some info with you:

bugs are not fun

thats all i have gotten from that---other than yellow jackets deadass i befriended three of them also using the bathroom when ur trans is not if fam i had to do it at like 4am each day just so no one would be able to see me honestly public showers are ASS

but im back and will be writing once again!!

this chapter is gonna be reminiscent of that one vid of that Brazilian family that welcomed their son after he got top surgery--have yall seen that? that honestly warms my heart whenever i see that it makes me happy that they accepted him!! but thats what the chapter will be calling to.

heres the link to the vid because its not on YT if you wanna see it: https://twitter.com/andrezadelgado/status/1181398426027794432?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1181398426027794432%7Ctwgr%5Eshare_3&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pride.com%2Ftrans%2F2019%2F10%2F16%2Ftrans-mans-family-welcomes-him-after-top-surgery-sweetest-way

this is most likely shorter than the other ones because brain is big small right now its lagging like it has shitty internet

i also wanted this to be more wholesome than anything because i don't want to dwell on depression and actually cause you guys to experience like massive dysphoria. I wouldn't want to do that to myself, so why do it to you?

i know that this isn't canon with the actual anime itself but like i wanted to add some of my own shit in here too just so its like, not entirely just the story of Haruhi going through Ouran, you get what I mean? I just don't want it to be that story, I want it to be more than that while still having that be most of the story line, you get what i mean?

― A. :)

(M/N) - mother's name

italics is your own thoughts


content warning: internalized homophobia, mention of homo/transphobic slurs

(3rd Person)

     (___) was terrified to go back to school. It felt like he crashed entirely. He had holed himself up in his room as soon as he ran all the way back to his home. He opened the door with the spare key under the mat and threw off his bag into an unknown corner. He darted straight into his room and slammed the door behind him. It didn't lock properly (Haruhi and her father had to clear out a storage room for you to use since they only have two bedrooms) so he blocked it off with his dresser. He tore his uniform from his body and ripped his glasses from his face. He dove underneath his covers and hid himself in them, trying to keep himself from hyperventilating.

He did that for the rest of the day, even when Haruhi had come home right after him. She knew that he was not feeling himself at the moment and it would be stupid for him to be left alone. She tried to get into his room by knocking and trying to open the door, but to no avail. (___) was very keen on keeping her out. He knew he would have more trouble with Auntie Ranka, but that moment has yet to come. He stayed exactly where he was. He stayed curled up underneath the blankets and shaking like a leaf. He tried his best to keep his mind occupied by thinking about something else, something that wouldn't make him feel shitty and depressed, but it was very hard to when he already experienced this once before. Tears still fell from his eyes to the point that there was nothing left to cry out. His eyes became dry and he found it hard to breath, think, and even blink. His chest hurt with the pain of knowing that he had been forcefully outed in one of the places he had hoped not to be outed in.

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