Our Epilogue

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The long awaited final chapter. I pumped the 11 page draft out in one sitting but it took a long time for it to happen because of writer's block. Please enjoy :)

I also recommend listening to the video above as well as N's Farewell from Pokemon Black.

— A.


Second Person

Winter was undoubtedly the busiest time of the year. Not because of school work, no, no. Tamaki decides to push club activities to the fullest. It was almost as if you and Haruhi were the only ones worried about your overall placement after midterms. You and Haruhi grilled every bit of information into your skulls that you could fit, so you had confidence that you hadn't fallen from your top spots from last time, but that didn't stop the nerves that came with it. And with the pile on of club work, you and Haruhi would end up doing nothing other than sleep when you got home. Auntie Ranka would have to pick you up from the living room floor and take you to your room just so you wouldn't wake up sore.

It was almost as if the Ouran Fair never happened. It had been forgotten so fast. The only proof of Lady Eclair's antics was Hikaru's broken arm (which healed through the spring and over the summer) and something that transpired between Tamaki and Haruhi. Though, they refuse to talk about it, but one thing's for sure; the 'dreamy' look on Tamaki's face got a whole lot worse. Kyouya would have to poke him with a pen or pinch his cheek in order to bring him out of his daze. Tamaki sometimes found it to be no problem making that face in front of his guests so it proved to be an annoyance to the dark haired boy.

It was set in stone that before winter break would start, the Host Club would send their guests off with a wonderful party; The Dance of Snowflakes. Preparations were throughout all of December and didn't stop. You can't remember a time where you weren't either practicing to waltz again or having your measurements taken for the suit you would be wearing. It seemed that the time with your guests now became a breath of fresh air from all the planning. Even better if Kaiyou or Kasanoda decided to swing by. Although turned down, Kasanoda upheld his promise of being friends with you. That didn't stop him from acting like one of your typical guests from time to time, blushing even when you leaned over to pour him a cup of tea or accept a little treat that he made.

During the week leading up to the dance, you and Haruhi were tasked with handing out the formal invites to all of the hosts' guests. Your bags were full of nothing but royal blue envelopes with gold accents. It looks like Tamaki still forgets that you and Haruhi don't have as much time as all these rich people did. But at least he made it easier by putting which class the guests were a part of on the envelopes (that didn't excuse the tediousness of the task though). But, if it meant your legs would be wobbly and shaky from spinning around and around in the clubroom from dance practice, and having countless fabrics put against you to see which one looked best, then you didn't mind giving all these out. While Haruhi wanted to get it over with quickly, you wanted to milk it just so you could take a break from regular club activities.

Among the invitations, you never saw one for Kaiyou and Kasanoda. Whether Tamaki forgot or only cared for the female guests, you wouldn't know. So, you decided to make your own for them. Sure, it wasn't as fancy since you had to use cheap cards from the supermarket and the cheapest gold and silver paint you could find, but it's the thought that counts. It was still fun making each card. Kasanoda got the bright red card with little golden roses painted on it while Kaiyou got a deep blue one with silver snowflakes on it.

It was easy to drop by Kasanoda and Kaiyou's classes since they were in the same wing and only one hallway over. You would've walked to the club with Haruhi and the twins, but you wanted to give them their invitations before you forgot. So, as soon as the bell sounded for class to be over, you tore out of your classroom and out into the halls. There was no chance for Haruhi and the twins to keep up with you at all, not with how you bobbed and weaved through the already growing crowds of students. Once you turned into the Class C and D hall, you could see the tufts of blue hair a little ways away from you.

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