The Autumn Leaves Tea Party!

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hello! im sorry for the break that i took from this book! im actually painting something for my abuela and also had no idea how to start off this chapter, that's why i was away! i may not update tomorrow or even the rest of this week because i still have that painting to finish (and you know gotta do my chores that i have....totally not been ignoring), but just know that i have not like abandoned this book! im also writing some oneshots of oikawa as well (fuck i am a simp for that mothefucker) and thats also why i havent touched this book much. i just wanted to get some parts out for that as well and not abandon that either. i also may have another book in the works?? idk it's fairytail because that fandom LITERALLY has no trans reader bullshit in it and quite frankly the stuff in that fandom is...c r i n g e. we need some gay shit in there. so i might be publishing that once i write out a few parts of that but idk two books is already a lot for my gay boy brain to handle. but yes i am back and i am ready for big gay to happen uwu 

---- A. :)

bold is the twins talking in unison

italics is your own thoughts


(3rd Person)

By the time (___) and Haruhi returned to Japan, the air was already becoming crisp while leaves fell from the trees in bright shades of orange, red, and yellow. Life jumped back to normal for the two of them. They were able to finish their work a few days before their flight so they didn't have to worry much about that. They stuck to doing some chores around the house and making food once again for Auntie Ranka. It was a nice little treat for him once coming back late from his shifts at the bars he worked at. He was also happy to have the two back in his home, liking that it was filled with people other than himself again. Auntie Ranka made it a point to call the two while they were in Karuizawa and in (hm/c), but it still wasn't enough for him. He would actually sob sometimes at the two being gone. (___) and Haruhi would always laugh and roll their eyes at how dramatic he was about it. He acted like the two were never going to return home. But once they were back in the house, Auntie Ranka wanted them to share everything that happened in person over food. He took them out a few days before even settling in, just to have a little bit of fun before the term started. It was a nice little break for the two of them, but the jet lag was quickly catching up to them on that day and by the time they got home, they literally fell onto their beds without a second though.

The two weren't particularly excited about going back to the host club. Well, one was dreading it more than the other. If (___) wasn't busying himself with gaming, commissions, cooking, or cleaning, he was going to for sure let his mind drift to think about Hikaru. He could not stop replaying the fact that he was the one to kiss him on his cheek first and then to have it returned by the boy with it being on his temple. It was a small gesture, but it really got (___) thinking. The amount of questions that swirled around his head at the thought of that kiss made him get a headache sometimes. Haruhi could definitely see him flustering when he would be hanging up clothing to dry on the balcony. When she walked up and opened the door, (___) almost fell off the balcony with how spooked he got.

"Are you...okay? You seem to be jumpy as of late." Haruhi asked him with concern.

"Oh! I'm fine! Yep! I'm really alright, no need to worry about me! Just doin' the laundry!" (___) replied quickly.

He messed with the laundry in the basket and laughed airily. Haruhi raised a brow and giggled.

"You know, it's not that hard to tell what you're thinking about. Perks of always having you around." Haruhi smiled.

(___) shook his head and sighed.

"That obvious?"

"Oh yeah, for sure." Haruhi closed the balcony door behind her.

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