Chapter 23: Risky

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Zuko knew he should be moving doing something to help, they had left the shop an hour ago his uncle was usually still cleaning and locking up. Katara looked back at him from further up the street realizing the same thing he did.
"We have to put it out!" Sokka yelled to the others. Aang and Katara collectively used water bending and after a few minutes had the fire out. Then, and the crowd around them stared at the burned building. Toph looked to Zuko who was still frozen a few feet away, before turning to the group. "Was he..." She whispered not being able to feel anything inside the burned wooden building. Aang walked back to Zuko and put a hand on his shoulder but Zuko's eyes never left the charred building. "Zuko.." Katara said but stopped, not exactly knowing what words to say to possibly help. The crowd begun to leave as a voice rang out.
"Nephew!" The voice said running through the crowd apologizing as his pushed through people. The voice caused Zuko's eyes to search frantically at the crowd around him. Then he saw him. "Uncle.." His eyes weld up at the sight up him. The older man ran to him as did Zuko meeting him half way. "You weren't in the shop." Zuko mumbled in his shoulder. "I wanted to see the festival with you. I was worried you returned here when I heard the explosion." Iroh said. "I thought I lost another son." He said hugging Zuko tighter. The group of friends couldn't help but have tears come to their eyes at the sight.
After a moment they went to Irohs house to collect their things. Sokka announced that they should leave because now Ozai and Raisi knew where they were in Ba Sing Se and where Irohs house was, they decided it was better to be back at the Capital where they were a little more guarded. As much as Zuko tried to apologize about the shop his uncle would hear it. "A shop can be rebuilt." He told him. Zuko and Katara decided with everything going on they didn't want to announce to everyone their new relationship. They weren't entirely sure how Aang would react even though he said he had let her go.
On the ride there they didn't know how to act natural. It wasn't like at the festival where there was distractions. Everyone's focus would be on each other. Would it be to obvious if they sat together or would they think something is up if they distance themselves? They opted for across from one another but Zuko's fingers twitched slightly as he was just wanting to hold her. He'd waited a long time to be able to call her his and even though it was technically his idea to now announce their relationship just yet, he wasn't exactly happy with it. And the thought of almost losing his uncle made him want to keep everything he loved as close as possible.
The trip seemed short but that was due to the fact it was night and they all had fallen asleep. Zuko switching out with Aang half way made it easier for the Avatar.
When they landed it was early morning so they decided to eat breakfast.
Katara later found Zuko in the courtyard sparing, which is were he usually would go when frustrated. "Hey want a partner?" She asked. He didn't answer. "Zuko what's wrong?" He seemed to be pushing himself harder and harder the longer she was there. Katara places a hand on his sweaty shoulder causing him to finally stop and look at her. His face was knitted together while hers was filled with concern. "Talk to me." "First he was just coming after me but now he's making it personal. I thought it was me my father and Raisi was after and you just got stuck in the middle when they got us but now after uncle...I see he's going after the things I love." Katara took a minute to take everything in. "You're not going to push me away 'for my safety' are you?" "No! Agni no! If anything I want to keep you as close as possible." Katara smiled at least she wouldn't lose him. "Train with me?" She asked. "Katara i-" "Don't tell me your scared because I kept kicking your but on the island." Zuko's face turned into a smirk. "If I remember right I'm the one that won." "Only on the times we didn't use bending." She corrected.
Katara walked around him, not looking at him until she stood about 15 feet away. She took a defensive position and he mirrored her.
He felt a trickle of apprehension go down his spine. He would be lying if he said she hadn't scared him a little after her display of power on their little quest to find her mother's murderer.
Zuko stood still for a moment more. "Are you going to attack or not?" Katara called out to him."Ladies' first," he yelled back, smirking. He watched her roll her eyes. She raised her hands and water rose from her pouches and sailed straight for him. He blasted fire and before the water had time to evaporate completely, he sent a fire ball straight at her head. She dodged easily and sent another attack at him. They exchanged a few more blows, each testing each other's strength before the attacks started getting stronger and faster. Zuko was panting and sweating as he sent two streams of fire at Katara, who flicked her hands and froze them, the fire- ice shattering on the floor. She blasted water at his chest, knocking him to the ground. Zuko kicked an attack at her and flipped back up, creating a wave of fire. Katara pushed water out and blocked his attacks before throwing ice daggers aimed at Zuko's chest.
They continued sparring, attacking each other like they would in a real battle.
Zuko smirked as her attacks weakened and his grew stronger. She noticed his advantage, and moved closer, making it harder for him to aim at her. Firebending was easier when the target was at a distance.
She continued to close in on him, zigzagging away from his fire blasts and sending water whips at his legs, trying to trip him up. Zuko backed up, trying to put some distance between them. His attacks were growing more desperate, though he made sure to never to make his fire too hot or too harsh; he didn't want to actually hurt her.
Zuko was surprised when he suddenly felt Katara slam into him and his back hit the stone floor. His eyes bugged out as she grinned snidely while straddling him and attempted to pin him down. He fought against her grip, trying to use his superior weight and height against her.
He twisted his leg around her hip and flipped them so that she was on his back and her hips were trapped under his. He grabbed her wrists and held them above her head. He smirked down at her, flicking sweaty hair out of his eyes.
"I win," he told her smugly. Katara glared at him, though a smile was tugging at the corner of her full, pink lips. Zuko's gaze locked onto those lips and he felt the same urge he had felt in the catacombs, at the beach, the insane desire to feel the softness with his own. Zuko leaned down, close enough to feel her breath on his mouth.
He looked back up and saw Katara's bright blue eyes trained on mouth. Before he could think about it anymore and without thinking about the consequences of being out in the open in the middle of the day, Zuko pressed his mouth to hers in a soft kiss.
Katara pressed her body up against him, kissing him back. Zuko let go of her wrists and opened his mouth slightly and let the tip of his tongue sweep against her lips. She gasped quietly and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Zuko deepened the kiss, their lips sliding together hotly. Zuko groaned into her, fisting one hand into her long hair. He could feel himself growing harder and he pressed his hips into hers, smiling a little when she jerked against him.
Zuko moved his lips to her throat, kissing her pulse and sucking at the brown skin while she ran her hands through his ebony hair. Zuko pressed down, grinding his hips into hers and listening to her moan against him.
Just as things were getting more intense someone cleared their throat bringing them back to the present. They leapt apart and looked to the person standing there. "Uncle! We were just sparring!" Zuko said rather embarrassed. "Is that what kids are calling it these days?" Iroh grinned. "I'll umm see you guys at dinner." Katara breathed before quickly walking to her room.
"Uncle I can-" Zuko was silenced by  his uncles raised hand. "I was hoping the date with Jin would make you realize your feelings for Katara. I didn't think it would end up like this so quickly though." Zuko's eyes opened wide at his uncles words. "You-you knew how I felt about her when you set me up on that date?" "Zuko I've known since before you became Fire Lord." "Did you know we were already together before you set the date up? And she almost left me?" "Then why did you go?" Zuko opened his mouth to reply but he didn't have an answer. Damn his uncle and him always being right.

"Ok so what's the plan?" Aang asked looking around the table for lunch. "It's only a matter of time before they know where we are and hit here next." Toph said. "I have a plan but it's risky." Zuko answered. Kataras head shot up from her plate. "I know where they are located and what they want. They've already attacked uncle they know he's important to me, if I tell them I'm giving myself up if they leave him alone it just might give you three enough time to take down Raisi and his men while I distract my father." "Three?" Katara asked. "You're not coming." Zuko said. "Like hell Im not!" She shouted standing up. "Katara my family has a history of going after you before anyone else I'm not putting you in danger. Plus you need to stay here and watch after things here and uncle." "I'm a master water bender and the best healer in the world. You guys need me there incase of things going wrong." "Katara he's right though they use you as a target because you're that important." Sokka agreed. "It's a risky plan you'll need me." "Which is exactly why we need you here. If someone is hurt you can heal them here. But if you get hurt there's nothing we can do." Zuko was clearly frustrated. "Between the four of us we got this sweet cheeks." Toph said confidently Sokka nodded. "Yea you guys said it wasn't that big of a compound and I'm sure we can think of some armor or something to help from the Chi blockers." "Between your brain and my metal bending I'm sure we can think of something." Toph smiled at him. "So I'm supposed to sit here and do nothing?!" Katara yelled standing up, making everyone look at her. "Katara.." Aang started. "Don't start Aang! I can take care of myself but if one of you gets hurt your several hours from here and you could die! If I'm there I can fix it then!" "If you die there no one can fix you and then who will fix us if something happens then!" Zuko yelled. In the years he's been Fire Lord no one has heard him yell it was a shock to everyone especially Katara who hasn't had him yell at her in a long time. The shock on her face was replaced with anger as she pushed away from the table and left.
Everyone's eyes followed her out the door and Zuko sighed. He hated yelling, especially at Katara. The rest of lunch was quiet.
As they exited the room Aang put a hand on Zuko's shoulder. "You're doing the right thing."

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