Chapter 5: Betrayal

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Zuko leaves again that night this time Katara waits up.
He returns several hours later frustrated he flops on the bed. Katara gets up and makes him some tea. When it is ready she sits on the floor next to the bed waiting to see if he has anything to say after. "He won't speak to me." Zuko sounds almost like he could cry. Katara grabbed his hand. This surprised them both. He looked at their hands then down to her. He felt something pull at him. He stared at her seeing something different he didn't see before. She wasn't the scared young girl she was when he first captured her. I'll save you from the pirates. Rang in his memories. She had grown into a strong powerful woman now. He couldn't help as he noticed how the red of her clothes made her eyes stand out and how well it looked on her.
Like Aangs tattoos katara didn't notice Zuko's scar anymore. She's heard from the gossiping servant girls around the palace feel sorry for him because "he looked so much cuter without it". But she didn't notice. She did notice, however, that he had grown since the first meeting. His hair had too, which she liked better down. She also liked how rough his hands were as she stared down at them, her hand holding his. Zuko's sudden movement making her jump.
You would have thought she was a fire bender and burned him with how fast he pulled away, separating their hands. His face was a mixture of things but no where as nice as she'd grown accustomed to these last few weeks.
"I'm sorry-" was all she got out before he was out the door.
She didn't check to see if it was unlocked this time. Laying down on her own bed she closed her eyes and went to sleep.
When Katara awoke and he was still not back she decided to go look for him. And she found him in the garden training.
Watching him and his exercises she noticed how powerful he was.
"Like what you see?" Mai's bored voice said behind her. Her expression not giving anything away. "I'm not allowed to be far incase I'm needed." "Seems you're needed more that usual." "He's been going through a lot." "Like you would know." "I do he tells me." Mai frowned. "So he's now confiding in you." Katara saw a nearby servant perk up. Great more gossip. She had spent the first week here trying to convince the other servants she wasn't a concubine and now she back being the gossip topic.
"I didn't say that-" Katara defended stepping back. "What's going on?" Zuko said walking in between them rubbing a towel through his hair. Sweat gleaming off his bare chest. "She's why you have no time for me?" Mai accused. Showing more emotion than even Zuko thinks he's ever seen. Zuko glares at Katara. "Whatever this water tribe peasant told you it's not true." Ouch Katara thought. Zuko looked around seeing that Mai's outburst had now gained on lookers. "Mai let's talk somewhere private ok? Your place I'll see you there in an hour." Mai glared at Katara before nodding. Once she walked off Katara was grabbed by the arm and pulled back to Zuko's courters.
"Have you lost your mind?" He hissed throwing her in the room slamming the door behind him. "I-" "No you don't speak!" He silenced her. "I am with Mai! Whatever is going on in your head you need to fix it! I'm not the Avatar or some sob story you can fix! I am your master and you are my servant you learn your place!" "I was trying to be your friend!" Katara yelled back frustrated tears welling up in her eyes, only making her even more frustrated. "Oh yes cause you care so much don't you! You and your bleeding heart!" "I thought you were kind, I thought you were miss understood I thought you needed someone because the only person who was always there for you you betrayed!" She didn't even feel the hand across her face when it first happened and he didn't expect himself to do it it just happened. Katara held her cheek and then put on a brave face.
Zuko had guards escort her to sleep in a cell that night. She also went without dinner. Zuko didn't know if he didn't want to look at her cause he was mad at her or mad at himself. He'd seen his father hit servants before but he'd never done it himself. Uncle would be ashamed.
The prince laid up that night the nagging feeling of missing the water benders company. Even though she slept 6 feet away from him and they never talked much. He almost got up to go get her once but his stubborn pride kept him in bed.
A knock came to the door causing him to sit up. "Hello brother." Azula said walking in not caring if she was invited or not. He laid back down. "Not now." "I heard from the little gossip tree you've been sleeping with the water bender." She said as she sat in the chair her piercing eyes never leaving his body looking for any sort of reaction. "You shouldn't believe everything you hear. I heard you're a man once." He quipped. She snorted. "You started that Zuzu." Zuko didn't reply. "Mai thinks so too. She said the peasant says you've been confiding in her." Zuko stiffened. "I told her how I got my scar I wouldn't call that confiding." Azula hummed. "Well I just wanted to see what all the buzz was about." She stood up looking around the room. "Where is she by the way?" "I sent her to sleep in a cell." Zuko said honestly meeting his sisters eyes. "Looks like you're realizing your place more and more Zuzu well done." Zuko laid back down as his sister left the room.

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