Because I love you

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"Stiles!" She screamed. "Stiles, please wake up! Please!"

"We're losing him! Get him to the E.R! Quick!" The doctor yelled down the white, pristine hall.

"Stiles..." Lydia said helplessly as they pushed Stiles through the two giant, ivory doors.

. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIX HOURS EARLIER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Stiles," Lydia chuckled as Stiles gently kissed her neck. "Stop, we have to study."

"I am studying," He said as he pulled away to look at Lydia's dark, pine eyes. "I'm studying you."

Lydia gently laughed as she turned back to her history text book. "You're so cheesy."

"Did it work?" He asked, sliding his hand around her waist. Lydia immediately grabbed his hand, and took it off her waist.

"It was going to," She said with a grin.

"Ugh!" Stiles groaned nuzzling into Lydia's stomach. Lydia laughed as she read her giant book. She started to fiddle with his hair, and slowly brush her hands through it while reading.

"Lydia, I don't like geography!" He whined, more of a mumbled, into Lydia.

"Do you want to pass?" Lydia asked still messing around with his brown hair.

He went silent for a moment, and kept his face tucked into the side of Lydia's stomach. "Yes..." He finally answered.

"Good, then grab your book, and read page 456-480." Lydia told him, taking a hand off his head to flip a thin page. Once she did, she put her hand back on Stiles' hair.

"I can't, I'm too distraced by your beauty." He kissed Lydia's stomach.

She giggled at the feeling of his soft lips on her skin. Lydia was wearing a thin white shirt, so Stiles could see her black, laced bra and her bellybutton.

"If those dimples on your face weren't there, I might not fall for you cheesy love lines," Lydia said reaching down to Stiles' head. She gave him a quick tease kiss. Her glossy, chapstick lips instantly connected with his smooth lips.

When Lydia broke apart she leaned back against her pillow, which was leaning on her back board of her bed.

"Thats it?" He asked in a disappointing tone.

Lydia nodded. "For now."

It was silent for a while, with Lydia just flipping the pages like theres no tomorrow. It was silent until Stiles brought up a question.

"So, how's Karma?"

Lydia gently shrugged, and turned the page. "Don't know."

"When was the last time you talked with her?" He asked.

Lydia quickly tilted her head. "The day she left."

"The day she left back to Chicago?" Stiles asked astonished.

Lydia nodded. "Yeah."

"Oh...Do you miss her?" He randomly asked.

Lydia actually took her gaze off the book, and stared at Stiles' big, beautiful brown eyes. It took a long time for Lydia to answer.

"I can't really say...I mean, if she came back I wouldn't mind. I wouldn't mind at all, but if she never does come back, I can live my life without her." Lydia said, boorishly turning her eyes back to her book.

"I'm not sure if thats good or bad for Karma." Stiles stated lifting his head away from Lydia's stomach. He then cuddled really close to her, and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist. He wasn't letting go, no matter how hard Lydia tugged at his arm. He tangled his legs with Lydia's, and scooted closer to her.

He then started to gently give soft kisses on Lydia's neck. Lydia smiled, and shivered by the gentle touch. "Stiles..." Lydia said, as she was almost breathless.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"What are you doing?" She asked, shutting her book, and looking at him.

"I'm kissing you." He told her, nuzzleing his soft face into her neck.


"Because I love you, baby!" Stiles said giving quick kisses all over Lydia's face. Lydia was laughing, and smiling, and teasingly telling Stiles to stop.

When Stiles was done leaving Lydia little kisses on the face, Lydia grased his face with her two hands.

"I love you, too." She softly said before connecting her lips, and his. Lydia smiled, and made the kiss a bit deeper.

Stiles' tounge slowly slipped into her mouth, and Lydia rapidly deepened the kiss.

When they pulled apart for air, they were both smiling at each other.

"Lydia?" Stiles asked.

"Yeah?" She still caressed Stiles' face.

"Alison might be pregnant with Scotts baby." Stiles smiled like it was a joke.

"What?!" Lydia almost screamed.

Stiles laughed. "I'm just kidding, you should have saw your face."

Lydia pursed her lips, and shook her head. "I hate you sometimes."

"Love you, too, Honey Bun!" He squealed and kissed Lydia's cheek.

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