Fear and Dreams...

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Narrator's POV

In the morning, Ciel quickly got dressed in a baggy pastel pink sweater, white shorts, and matching pink Converse sneakers.

Once he was clothed, the teen picked up Bitter Rabbit and held him close as he went down to the kitchen where he found his mother making breakfast.

Rachel wasn't very skilled when it came to the culinary arts, but she fared well enough when it came to boxed, canned and frozen meals.

Ciel was a very picky eater so it was no surprise when he found his usual breakfast waiting for him at the table: toast slathered in Nutella and covered in strawberry slices as well as a glass of milk mixed with honey.

Like every morning, Rachel begged Ciel to eat some scrambled eggs —which the teen drowned in ketchup— and a few slices of bacon —which met a similar fate as they were covered in maple syrup.

Unlike Ciel who got very distraught when routine changed, Vincent hated having similar breakfasts every day.

So, Rachel made him a cup of coffee and made him an omelette filled with cheese and bacon so it wasn't similar to the full English she had made yesterday.

Finally, Rachel contented herself with the leftovers: a tiny cheese omelette made from the leftover eggs, some bacon, a slice of buttered toast and some sliced strawberries that she paired with a few dollops of vanilla yogurt.

As she had prepared Vincent's work lunch last night, she merely had to receive it from the fridge and give it to him and kiss him goodbye as he left him for work after breakfast.

Once he was gone, Rachel reminded Ciel to do his online classes after the morning cartoons ended at remand she'd be at the shop getting groceries.

As she headed towards the door, she'd pressed a kiss to his head and told him there was a plate of fruit cut up for him as well as a bowl of yogurt with crushed Oreos if he got hungry.


Ciel pouted when she left, he hated being alone in the house as the monster always bothered him then.

As if on cue, shadows creeped into the room, slowly encompassing the living room in darkness.

Ciel clung to Bitter Rabbit in fear, closing his teary eyes as he sung the 'Incy Wincy Spider' to keep himself calm.

"The Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the waterspout." Ciel softly sang, rocking himself as he gripped onto his stuffie

A shadow tendril wrapped around his ankle, causing the teen to lightly gasp and cry out, "D-Down c-came the rain and wa-washed the spider out."

Bitter Rabbit was ripped out of his arms by another tendril and Ciel's cries turned into sobs as he clung to himself, "O-Ou-Out c-c-came the sa-su-sun and dr-dried up all the r-rain and the Incy Wincy Spider cl-climbed up the spout again."

Ciel repeated the song thrice more, the lyrics coming out less and less and he sobbed, absolutely terrified as more tendrils wrapped around his limbs.

When the next one wrapped around his neck, Ciel screamed in terror and felt the front of his white shorts wetten.

Sobbing even more from the embarrassment, Ciel didn't even notice the tendrils retract and the shadows disappear.

After several minutes, Ciel calmed down enough that he opened his eyes and found Bitter Rabbit laying on the coffee table beside a king-sized chocolate bar that hadn't been there before.

Taking both the candy and his toy, Ciel went up to his room and took a quick shower in his shorts in an attempt to hide his accident from muma and especially papa.

Once he was clean and in a different pair of boxers and white shorts and the same shirt, he gathered a bunch of paper towels and Clorox wipes to clean up the rest of the accident from the leather couch.

To make sure no evidence was found, he took the dirty wipes and paper towels to the rubbish bin outside instead of the one in the bathroom.

With his accident cleaned up, Ciel found his yogurt in the fridge as well as a juice box and returned to the tv, hugging Bitter Rabbit tightly between his full hands.

As the teen sat down and placed his snacks on the coffee table, he turned there back on and found Disney's 'Tangled' beginning.

Ciel giggled as he watched the blonde heroine clean her tower home, he wanted to be just like her.

He wanted to be kept safe by a protector who keep him away from the bullies and bad people.

Just like he did every time he watched this movie, Ciel yelled at Rapunzel when she left her tower and sobbed an hour or so later when Mother Gothel died.

To comfort himself after the tragic ending of the movie, he went up to his bedroom and went through his book of fairy tales.

Making it to Rapunzel's story, he looked at the pictures and read himself the story.

The beginning of the story was the same as book originally said, but once the prince arrived the printed words were crossed out and edited to better fit Ciel's version.

First change was the prince's arrival, originally it read, "When the witch went away, the prince climbed up the tower. Rapunzel and the prince met and fell in love with each other."

But now it read, "When the witch went away, the prince climbed up the tower. Rapunzel was scared and hit him with the biggest book she had to knock him out. When her mummy came home, Rapunzel was a good girl and told mummy about the stranger."

Ciel smiled as he read his version of the tale, ignoring the contrasting drawings.

His Rapunzel was a good girl that never ever wanted to leave her mummy's tower where it was safe and only mummy could find her.

The blunette sighed lonely, he wanted a mummy or daddy like Rapunzel's.

His papa was a meanie and muma was too scared of papa to be a perfect muma in Ciel's opinion.

His real mummy or daddy would never ever make him go talk to dummy Dr. Blanc and would let him stay little and happy forever...

Dulce Somnii: a Ciel X SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now