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Narrator's POV

Ciel hummed as he was placed on a swinging bench in the backyard garden.

The bench was made of a dark stained wood and had a black cushion on it and it was very soft to Ciel.

"I have a present for you, precious." Sebastian said, stroking Ciel's navy hair

The human's eyes widened, "Really, daddy?"

The demon nodded, "Close your eyes and I'll bring it to you."

Naturally, Ciel did as told and closed his eyes and covered them with his hands to be extra sure he couldn't see until daddy said he could.

He didn't have to wait long, only about thirty seconds before he heard daddy say he could look.

Opening his mismatched eyes, Ciel saw Sebastian standing in front of him holding a leash connected to Lizzy who was on her hands and knees.

Ciel was confused, "Why is she here, daddy?"

"I thought you might want someone to play with, a little pet." Sebastian explained, picking Ciel up

"But she mean." Ciel whimpered, scared of being bullied again

Sebastian sensed his fear, it smelt delicious, "Don't worry, my love, she will do everything you tell her now and be nice. If she isn't nice or obedient, tell me and I'll correct her."

Ciel bit his lip, bit really biting it but too scared of disobedience to argue, "Okay, daddy."

"Play for a bit." Sebastian said as he set his mate down, "Do not leave the garden, stay out here and play until I come get you. Call out for me if you need me."

The little nodded and watched as the demon teleported away.

The blunette then looked at his new pet, "Hi, Lizzy."

Lizzy said nothing, she just stared at the grass.

Ciel pouted, "Are you okay, Lizzy?"

For just a moment, Lizzy began to shake her head but immediately corrected herself and nodded.

She remembered what the monster said, if she even slightly upset Ciel he would chop off her digits and force feed them to her.

Ciel didn't seem to notice her mistake, "Oh, okay, let's play! I wanna play hide and seek!"


Sebastian walked through the forest, since it was only day two he had no intention of actually catching his prey.

Of course, with his heightened senses he already knew where they were hiding, but they didn't need to know that.

The demon caught the sight of blonde hair out of the corner of his eye but didn't turn to face it, the smell of Frances' festering fear nearly intoxicating.

Vincent has gotten better at hiding today, he was hiding in a lake, using a bamboo stick to breathe.

Sebastian barely concealed a snort when he saw that, it was so obvious to see him in the clear lake.

How hadn't they noticed everything in this world was baby-proof?

He had intentionally designed everything to be that way so Ciel never got hurt.


Frances Midford cursed under her breath as she made her way through the forest.

She had barely managed to avoid the demon, it had been a very close call.

Her stomach growled as she walked, the berries she had scavenged earlier hadn't filled her.

Yesterday, she had tried her luck hunting a squirrel but it had attacked her and damn near taken her thumb for its trouble.

Frances, having been in the Royal Marines for two decades, had first-aid knowledge so she had cleaned and bandages her cut thumb as best as she could but it was still very likely to get infected.

Eventually, she neared the edge of the forest and found a stone-brick wall.

Thinking it might be the border back to the rest of the world, she climbed the wall and found herself looking into a garden.

The garden was filled with all sorts of flowers and trees.

Standing under a cherry blossom tree, she saw her nephew covering his eyes and counting.

"...17...18...19...20! Ready or not, here I come!" Ciel shouted, turning around

In a corner of the garden, Frances saw her daughter hiding in plain sight under a swinging bench.

It was also clear Ciel saw her too, the boy was giggling as he walked over to Lizzy.

"You're not very good at hiding." Ciel laughed, a stuffed rabbit hugged in his arms

Lizzy silently crawled out from under the bench and went I've to the cherry blossom tree.

Ciel rushed to a thick area of the garden, hiding behind a weeping willow's vines.

Lizzy had finished counting silently, finding Ciel easily due to his giggling but ignored that.

Frances' heart ached as she saw her daughter crying, barely marking a sound as she crawled towards the corner.


Ciel was bored as he sat under the weeping willow, Lizzy hadn't found him yet.

She wasn't very good at this game, they would have to play it more so she got better and they could have more fun.

Humming a bit, Ciel began to play with Bitter Rabbit, making it dance and jump.

"Daddy?" Ciel softly called out

Instantly, the invisible arms hugged him close as if asking what he needed.

"Wan' paci." Ciel informed, leaning into the invisible touch

Out of nowhere, a transparent blue pacifier appeared pressing against Ciel's lips.

Immediately, the teen parted his lips and began suckling one the pacifier.

After ten minutes of nothing, Ciel got up and looked for Lizzy and found her back under the bench.

The blunette giggled, "Silly Lizzy, you were the seeker this turn not a hider!"

Sitting on the bench, Ciel added, "Let's play a different game, what do you wanna play, Lizzy?"

Lizzy longed to say 'Nothing' but was terrified of the consequences so she mumbled, "Coloring."

Ciel giggled again, "Daddy said to stay here, silly, we can play that later when we go inside. What should we play now?"

"The Sit Quietly Game." Lizzy suggested

"That sounds boring, I don't like your ideas." Ciel replied, "Let's play tag, I'll be 'it' first!"

Lizzy sighed and began to crawl away as fast as she could, but Ciel immediately caught up to her and tagged her.

"You're it!" Ciel laughed as he turned around and ran away

The blonde girl turned as well and began to crawl after him.

As he turned around the corner, looking back to see how far she was from him, Ciel ran right into a bird feeder and fell to the ground.

Ciel cried out in pain as he scraped both knees, "Daddy!"...

Dulce Somnii: a Ciel X SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now